29. Echoing Rumours

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Too excited to calm down, Morana postponed going to sleep for as long as she could. Everyone was drained for their journey and they spread out their cloaks and blankets to find some rest in the cosy warmth of Mingi's cave. Morana built her nest next to her father proudly to show they belonged together, but she was too eager to learn more about him to actually sleep. After running around helping everyone else and showing off how mature she had become, Yeosang told her to sit down already. He threatened her with a boring story about the history of the empire if she didn't calm down.

Soon, Morana was swaddled in her blanket, pouting to herself. Her brother was curled into Yunho's chest and Wooyoung whispered to San. Mingi was silent next to her, but not because he was sleeping. Much more, he sounded like he was holding his breath.

"You aren't tired, Morana?" He asked her in a hushed voice, worried to keep her up.

Morana turned her head to him, marvelling up at his vision. She was shy, her heart nervous like never before. She was used to clinging to Wooyoung or Yeosang in sleep, even Onyx. But he slept on Mulberry's back tonight.

So much happened and yet not enough. The adults wanted to talk more after some rest, but Morana's energy seemed never-ending.

She wanted to try. So she asked with courage in her brittle heart.

"Can you hug me again?"

Mingi hesitantly lifted his hand. He found her cheek, caressing it cautiously. After a moment of consideration, he opened his arms to offer his chest to her.

Promptly, Morana scooted closer. Yes, that was the feeling. This warmth. The heavy arms engulfing her.

She inhaled deeply, breathing in Mingi's scent. The timid demon held her, caressing her horns and hair.

"I can tell you are so beautiful," he whispered to her. "Just like him."

Since he didn't know of Morana's feud against Seonghwa yet, she gave him a pass and snuggled into him. Though still too jittery to sleep, she was comfortable. Felt the void in her heart mending since it could be filled with her parent now.


Morana didn't know when she fell asleep, but she slept long and deeply. When she stirred, she was still cuddled into her father's chest, but he was already up and muttering with the others. Holding her with all the care in the world so she wouldn't wake up. They caught him up on their dynamic in the past, with the recent reunion and their path here.

When Morana squirmed against his heavy arm, Mingi immediately shifted.

"Are you awake?" He asked her in that voice that seemed deep like the canyon outside and rumbled like thunder. Morana sat up, finding her hair dishevelled from rubbing her face into the scent of her father's chest all night. When she blushed, Wooyoung cackled at her.

"Here, have some breakfast," Yeosang invited her and Morana sleepily stuffed her face. Everyone else was up already, and Onyx hopped to her side to steal the occasional crumb from her. Mingi hovered behind her like a sheepish shadow, eating slowly after he waited for her to wake.

Despite the time he spent here alone, he didn't look malnourished. His muscles bulged over his steely body and his tail flicked behind him, full of life. He looked even more powerful than San or Hlin. If he weren't blind, he might be the strongest of all.

Awed with his softness, despite his scary appearance, Morana introduced the flutter of feathers to him when Mingi tried to figure it out.

"This is Onyx. He is my friend." She pushed the bird over for him to touch, and Mingi ran an awed fingertip over his back.

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