28. Bound by Blood

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Morana had never been this confused.

Wooyoung had finally managed to light a torch and Yeosang held it over the bizarre scene while San cradled Morana in his brawny arm, ready to snatch her away if something happened.

But Morana already knew this demon wouldn't lash out at her. They were the same.

They were family.

Morana couldn't remember meeting demons before, but she hadn't imagined them this monstrous. Even after everything her uncles told her about her father.

Mingi had huge horns, curling over his head and twisting around themselves to end just above his shoulders. His shoulders were covered in thick, black fur, which looked gritty with dirt and dried blood. A leathery tail whipped from a hole in his tattered pants, black like his claws. And matching hooves scrambled under him.

His hair was so overgrown, Morana couldn't see his face at all. Through the mussed-up part of ink, an eye stared back at her, unmoving and unseeing. Looking at its black onyx, she remembered.

Her father was blind. And he got startled earlier for a good reason when they approached him from behind.

But he was in a pitiful state. Nicks and scars marred his mighty horns. The surrounding walls were scratched by his powerful claws, leaving deep marks.

He was terrifying, and Morana's heart hammered at the idea of touching him.

But his tension evened out as soon as she pressed her fingers to his. As if he forgot why he had been furious. His skin was hot like fire, but it didn't burn her. Anything that might have repulsed her fell away at once, when this peace overcame her soul for the first time.

He was the same as her. Not only in race, but in blood. The one who made her.

Her father.

This was where he had been all this time? Alone and in pain?

Morana couldn't fathom what had driven him. And upset as she was for seeing him live without her, his agony was written in the draw of his shoulders.

Somehow, she understood.

"Do you believe us now, Mingi?" Yunho asked, kneeling by Mingi's side. Wooyoung had stayed near the entrance with Aodhán on Mulberry, ready to chase him out into safety. He held onto Buddy as well, since the dog had stormed ahead earlier and caused poor Yunho a heart attack.

"Why are you here?" Mingi whispered, and his voice hadn't spoken in a long time. Morana frowned at its scratch.

He looked to be in a lot of pain. His body was battered, and he sounded hollow. Her uncles reacted with such a fright as well. Had he once been different? Not so massive and scary?

Hongjoong returned to their group, nursing the scratch on his arm. He didn't look angry to get hurt. More so that he couldn't ease his pain with magic.

"Morana needed her father," Yeosang mumbled behind Mingi, at ease now that the demon wasn't flailing anymore.

Morana bravely withstood her fear when Mingi's massive hand closed around hers. He took a shuddering breath as if to take in the feeling. Something wet dripped from his chin.

"Oh..." Morana made when she realised.

Somehow, she forgot how sore she had been. How ignorant she found him for leaving. Had he been this miserable all along? He found no fortune, no new family. Didn't frolic while she suffered.

No, he had been here all this time. Haunted by the same grief that marred her other uncles, just much worse. He could have been so much more, so strong and impressive, but he hid away in the darkness.

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