47. A Decade Old

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Healing came with the passing days. At first, everyone was afraid to let go of Seonghwa and move from his side farther than a few caves. Everyone lingered near him and read his every wish from his eyes before he had to spell it out loud. His lovely children, so young yet so strong, learned anew what being loved meant and that Seonghwa would do anything for them.

With the moons, it became easier for the family to leave him with only one or two of his husbands as guards. No attacks breached the lines of the titans, and Crius and Asteria personally monitored their needs. No rumours sparked in the empire, either. The elf remained a legend, brooding over his plans in the distance.

The others were by his side and supported them within their own kingdoms. They kept Seonghwa's return a secret, claiming to act in their own names and for the sake of the empire. San and Hongjoong easily directed the attention of their folk to ease strained relationships and open their borders to trade anew. The sorcerer helped Jongho and Yeosang visit their people, and Jongho's folk were the only ones who got to learn about Seonghwa's survival. Nothing else would wake them from their slumber and the old wise ones knew never than to betray his location.

The seasons passed and as the reeling empire got back onto its feet, Seonghwa's tummy swelled and swelled. He was soon too lethargic to run around with his children and rested by Yeosang's roots in the underground gardens of the titans, framing more temple ruins. In summer, they built a new xylophone for Jongho, though it was nowhere as graceful and well-tuned as the one the elves made for him. He played his music while the children mischievously climbed atop the smaller titans and stole candy from Hongjoong's stash that miraculously kept refilling behind their giggling backs.

Seonghwa didn't hurt for this pregnancy. The feeling of heaviness was similar as with Morana, but the seraph in his stomach was peaceful and remained wrapped in their developing wings. His children were fascinated by witnessing this pregnancy now that they were older, often pressing their ears to his stomach to listen to their sibling inside.

By the time Yunho confirmed the Kingdom of Man was ready for the return of the elves and would offer their sword to any new ruler against the orcs, it was time. Spring returned with the scent of the sun and Aodhán fashioning flower crowns for everyone. Buddy kept dropping his, as did Sunny, whom Hongjoong delivered to their new home without being asked to one day. Aodhán and Morana tirelessly put them back on their furry heads.

Seonghwa was at ease with his long holiday. He was limited to reading up on reports of San's and Yunho's people and on meeting the titans for suggestions on how to strike back at the orcs, so none would be left under the earth. That spring day, he rested again on Yeosang's roots and relished Jongho's music with closed eyes when the tug in his stomach urged him to sit up.

Hongjoong was his healer for this birth, as they couldn't risk bringing anyone else in. Seungyoun was back and wept many tears while clutching Seonghwa's hands in his, but he limited himself to the kitchens. Aside from the regular checkups, Hongjoong never mentioned anything out of the ordinary, and Seonghwa didn't think much of it. Helpless as he was with his big tummy and Yeosang teasing him about it, he was glad everything went well.

He hadn't estimated a day of birth, but Seonghwa knew it was time. His baby wanted out.

It must have showed on his features because Jongho's music stopped and he inclined his head with a crunch.

"Your baby is finished," he deducted wisely, and Yeosang also morphed back to a shape with arms and legs. The two helped Seonghwa onto wobbly feet and Yeosang called out to Aodhán and Morana among the flowers to search for their uncles. When he patted Seonghwa's shoulder, he had pity with his limited waddling.

Seonghwa felt the same wetness. This time, he knew what was happening.

"Please carry me," he pleaded to Jongho, and the golem picked him up, cautious of him and his precious cargo. They talked to him on the way back to their cave and Yeosang made sure Seonghwa wasn't suffering too much while he tied back his hair for him.

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