9. Eternally Loyal

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Once Yeosang and Wooyoung settled on the soft cushions lining the seating area, San called out into the corridor for his servant. He had him bring food and drink from the kitchens because the trio looked wearied from the long flight. Morana wandered around with curious eyes, fascinated with the depth of the ceiling that depicted a cloudy sky illuminated by light with the help of magic.

Upon receiving the unexpected late snack on a platter to balance it inside on his left hand personally, San craned his head to look at Wooyoung. The gryphon-born had cleaned off his talons and rolled up in the corner among several cushions, huddling his wings around his shape in exhaustion.

Right, if Mulberry carried the other two, he would have flown all the way up there by himself.

"Bring some meat to feed a gryphon and a sunstone for my companions," San asked his helper and returned to join them with the platter. He spread it out before them, luring in the ravenous darkspawn girl. As her little fingers plucked the grapes off their stalk, he was awed by how big she had grown.

"Call Mulberry to the balcony to rest," San offered Wooyoung. Their stables weren't equipped to accommodate such a creature. 

Gladly, Wooyoung did. His twin looked as exhausted as him and curled up to be fed by San's servant upon his return. Happy currs extended his gratitude to San. He would take good care of the group.

After fetching the moonstone from his bedside, San propped the two up to exude their healing light to the ones who needed it, respectively. Soon, everyone was comfortable and San sat with them, still awed by their sudden appearance. 

Morana beckoned at his rolled-up shirt.

"Why do you only have one hand?"

Her blunt question edged a chuckle from San's tense lips. He was worried another war brought them to flee, but he could tell this girl grew up among Wooyoung's kind.

"I lost it protecting someone very precious to me," he hummed with a smile. His lonely heart was joyous with their presence. Though her face was a painful reminder, she grew up well and San was happy to see the other two visit. 

Their reunion was bittersweet.

If only San could have had the head of the traitor. If he hadn't been so overcome by rage back then... None of this would have happened. They wouldn't have had to part and see Seonghwa's kids grow up from a distance.

San shoved the thoughts away. Between Wooyoung's shy laughter and Yeosang's fond gaze, it didn't matter.

"What brought you three here? Is this a mere visit? Shall I prepare to show you my home? You can stay however long you wish."

The seraphim wouldn't receive Morana's kind with compassion, especially not after the war. For long, they expected a fallout with the antagonistic demons, their natural enemies. 

However, everyone knew who she was. And of San's relationship with her. Anyone who dared even look at her wrong would get punished.

Wooyoung didn't dare meet San's eyes. So loud and blunt usually. In the few moments he had been shy in San's presence in the past, they had been much closer to each other.

"We... We needed you for something," he mumbled, as if suddenly reconsidering after coming all the way here.

Before San had to ask Yeosang, Morana perked up to grin at him. Her fangs started to grow in and her eyes sparked with the determination of the one who got them into this situation.

"We are going on an adventure!" She announced with full cheeks. Not correcting her on her table manners, San lifted a brow at the two adults. Or, well, Yeosang.

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