Chapter 13

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"Oh, you broke my heart." I sing while taking a shower at home. "I told you, I was weak for love but then you went around and did what ..." I turn sharply when the sound of the curtains opening catches my attention.

"Niall!" I screech, "What the hell?"

"Your poses are here," he said then sits on the toilet.

"Get out!" I throw water at him while trying to cover my bosoms.

"You get out," he retorts.

"This is my room, shut the fuck up and get out." I said.

"Anyways, hurry up. And don't forget tonight," he gets up and leave and I sigh.

I ought to lock my room from now on.

I go back to soaping myself and start to sing again, "I've got two letters for you; one of them is F and the other one's U..."

The spell is broken once again when I hear Morgan's voice calling out my name, I sigh once again and then rinse myself.

"I'm coming," I said and then get out of the shower.

"You guys know no such thing as privacy, do you?" I pick out some clothes and go back into the bathroom to change.

Once I'm done, I go out and finish fixing myself in the mirror.

"I'm done," I said.

"Good, let's go." She takes my hand and drags me out the door.

As Jean drives us to the club, I think about tonight. I saw the uniform he brought and I can't believe that people wear such slutty uniform to serve people.

Though I must admit that it is really cute and stylish; I run my fingers through my hair then look at Morgan in the rearview mirror.

Jean catches us looking at each other and said, "When will you two stop making googly eyes at each other?"

"I-I do not make googly eyes at her," I stuttered.

"Me neither," Morgan said.

I blush then turn my face towards the window, as I pretend that something interesting is happening in the street.

"Right, it's so obvious that you two like each other so why not just be on impulse and start doing monkey business?" he raised an eyebrow at Morgan in the mirror and Morgan flip him off.

"Right," he said and I smile.

Although, I admit that I like Morgan; still I'd like to play with her head some more. And of course, she is playing with mine too but who cares.

I know and I am not falling for it.

Few minutes later, we are parked outside Erotica Mara. While Jean distracts the guards, Morgan and I sneak in.

"Now what." I ask, while I lean up against a wall.

"Now we wait," Morgan answers and I nod.


Morgan and I panic and I'm ushering words that makes no sense. "What do we do, what do we do." I say over and over again.

Before I knew it, Morgan press me up against the wall and kiss me, lifting my leg up and wrap it around her waist as she then kisses down my neck.

I let out a moan and bite my lips, until of course she hit my spot and I couldn't help but giggle.

"They're with me," Morgan and I turn around when we hear Jean's voice. He pats the guy in the back and said, "They're new recruiters for tonight and they're here with me to check out the place."

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