Chapter 29

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After being hit in the face with the butt of a gun, I feel myself taken by each of my arm and got dragged away from Isabel's office. I think I'm bleeding, but the blow got me hazy though I can definitely hear Charlie and Isabel bickering as they follow.

"How could you be so stupid?" One of them says.

"You were supposed to look after her."

"Shut up! Don't you dare tell me what to do," Charlie I'm guessing. Then the conversation got cut off when a door is rattled, a key clicks in and I'm thrown hard on the floor like a piece of meat.

"Cuff her."

And someone did just that. Right now, I hate myself. I should've listened to Niall, but how could I when I knew I was doing the right thing. How could I when I knew that Charlie meant no harm despite the fact that her and I have our differences and are not friends. Although, now that I think about, I fear that I might have missed something.

I recount the days, the times from the beginning to end. Jean sneaking notes and money in Hannah's locker, my brother popping in and out, mom acting weird and Morgan pissing me off every time. I think about Raeleigh.

I wrinkle my nose and feel a tinge. I think it might be broken, if so, Charlie will literally pay for that. Gosh, I can't even comfort myself. I lay on the ground broken and bleeding, I jingle the chains and realize how long they are; I feel like a werewolf caught in a forbidden place.

I sigh and lay, my only comfort is that I sent the video to Hayden before all this happened.

"Mom," I whine.

"Mom ain't gonna save you," a male voice retort.

"Shut the fuck up," I shout back and lay still, not saying anything anymore.

In my dream, I am singing and dancing to sorry by Justin Bieber while shaving. Dangerous, I know, but that's what happens when the beat and rhythm gets to you and you're home alone.

No one to bug you or judge your mishap, and the possibility of getting out of the tub with cut bits on your skin. Looking like Alan Harper from Two and a Half men.

I shake and clear my head when my phone suddenly rings, thank God or this'd be another haunting image to keep me up at night. I wipe my hands and pick up the phone.

"I'm downstairs, mind opening up?"

I'm not sure why, but I frown when I hear Charlie's voice on the other hand and like that she just hangs up without waiting for a reply. I frown again, Charlie and I have never been close and I don't remember her knowing where I live.

I finish off and skeptically make my way downstairs, I look through the peephole and there she really is, but just to be safe I take the bat by the door and hide it behind me. I slightly open the door, "yes?"

And before I know what's happening, she reaches out her hand and electrocute me with a stun gun.

I wake up to an excruciating pain at my side, and then a bucket of ice water in my face. Their way of trying to wake me up, but also a way to bring me death; I just groan and make painful noises as if I'm still dreaming. It's a blur. All a blur, though it no longer is when a hard punch connects with my face and a voice says, "wakey wakey" that I am fully awake.

My eyes snap open, I start trashing about only to realize that I am in a jail cell and each of my arms are shackled to the wall in chains. Everything that happened up to this point replay in mind and I scold myself for not being careful enough and for getting caught. By Charlie.

"Um, hi."

I look up and Charlie stands in front of me, "are you awake now?"

I glare at her. "I guess so," she says and walks out, and then lock the cell. "Welcome to my basement."

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