Chapter 25

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I've been walking for hours. My feet hurt but not as much as my head. It throb with every step I take.

How am I ever going to go back home? How am I ever going to face Morgan again? But I know I have to do both.

I think about ringing her or leaving a message but I don't know what to say. So instead I trudge the streets as I try to come to terms with the roller coaster that is becoming my life. I need answers and I need them now. There is no turning back from any of this. I want the truth. My mom had her turn. She now knew all of me and now it is time for my truths.

I am sick of the lies and the secrets, sick of the happenings going on at the club, sick of the threats being thrown my way. It's now my turn to take control and I won't stop until the last man is standing.

It is getting dark and the only place I have to go to was home. I turn up outside, all the lights are out. I pray my mom would be out. I don't want to see her. I have no fight in me tonight for her. I gingerly open the door to the darkened hallway, without hesitation I walk quickly through the house and once I arrive in my room, I sigh with relief.

It come as no surprise that my mom is out. Probably telling the new man on her arm all about her disappointment in her daughter. But where is Niall? I shrug out of my clothes coming to the conclusion that he is probably at his mates, or getting it on with some girl. I hit the shower needing the warmth to heat my chilled bones, and then I dress in my shorts and thin strappy top taking residence upon my bed.

I cradle the photo Pascal had given me in the palm of my hand. I examine it closely, turning it over with my fingers. I didn't recognise the handwriting my name is printed in but it is dainty like a woman's.
Immediately Isabel come to mind.

She had wanted me to join her but she has another thing coming if she thinks that I will join her side. I will end that bitch once and for all. I stare at the picture again. It looks familiar, but I can't remember who it is that I'm sitting on; I look happy and carefree there, something that I would love to be now in this moment.

I sigh no longer wanting to solve the puzzle at hand, and I go back to thinking about Morgan. Her name sounding in my head cause my heart to constrict but I shake it away. She has not been in contact with me since then, not one single message or miss call. Maybe I had finally push her far enough for her to turn her back on me for good.

The tapping at my window has me almost jumping out of my skin.

Pascal and Nina are here.

I laugh at Pascal's large frame squeezing through the small space.

"You know, everyone's out. You could have just use the front door!"

Nina who has find her way in elegantly, giggle along with me as Pascal straighten up, but instead of laughing his face is serious.

"You look like shit!"

Nina turn, her gaze now penetrating mine."Yeah! Are you okay?"

I shrug their concern off effortlessly when inside I was screaming to be heard.

"I'm fine. Now let's get you losers sorted with a room."

After sorting Nina and Pascal in their own room, I go to mine, but I could hardly sleep, every noise have me wondering. I feel edgy. I keep expecting mom to burst through the door, or for Pascal and Nina to be discovered, but mostly my mind was on Morgan.

Is she thinking of me? Or have I push her back into the arms of her ex?

When my thoughts come to be too much, I force her out from my mind and settle on the task ahead. I know my next step is to visit Tamekia Hayden.

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