Where in the fuck am I...

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I open my eyes to a red sky. The smell of blood lingering in my nose as I rub my blurry vision away. What the fuck... I look down at my hands, they were not as I remember. I look at my body on the ground noticing my clothes were switched as well. Standing up an epiphany hit me. I died...
I hear screams in a distant, coming from a hill far to my right. In front of me stood a sign.

Welcome to Hell

You've got to be shitting me... When I was alive I wasn't a great person, I did bad things, but goods things. I just didn't expect to go straight here. I stretch my back and look around at the hell hole. Quite literally.

I spot a building, it was huge. It towered over every building beside it. It was black, greys, blues, with a splash of coral red. A great aesthetic I must admit. I walk towards to it having no where else I needed to be. On my walk I realized not a single being here matched my idea of what hell was. For one the people. They ranged from many different looking species. Some tall some short and others in the middle. I touch a hand to my face wondering what I looked like...now that I wasn't alive. It was all so hard to remember. The vision of cards flashes in my minds eye while trying to recall.

"Hey babygirl~" I turn around to a guy dressed in leather and black. Definitely towering over me though I felt quite tall in my new look. I take a step farther away than him.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here?" He reaches for my waist but I'm quick to shove his massive hands away.

"Oh-hohoho?!" He grabs my wrist hard turning my hand numb. I pull with all my might to get him off of me.

"Let the fuck go!!" I scream at him. I yank and yank, but it's no use. He pulls me closer to his dirty ugly grinning face.

"Don't struggle darling." He growls. His red eyes looking at the rest of my body.

"FUCK OFF!" I scream. My vision snaps from black, white, to red, to blue. And suddenly the perverted man from before is on the ground stunned. He glares at me, standing up to give me his version of karma I'd assume.

"You little cunt." He spat blood to the sidewalk. Cracking his knuckles he stepped closer. My heart sped up and my feet twitched to run. My legs froze in place as he got closer. Finally my nerves snapped into place allowing me to run.

I raced down the street running into numerous crimes. I avoided every person I could feeling the creep on my trail. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-

I spot a large building, close to the size of the one before. I run to the doors. They fly open as I slam on them. I fall into the red carpeted ground and stare through the glass. He wasn't there. I was safe.

"HOLY CUM-BALLS- CHARLIE-" a New York accented voice exclaimed. I turn my head to the direction in which I heard the voice. He was lanky and tall. Fluffy. Very fluffy. I took note of his white and pink colors. I scramble to my feet as other people run into the room. A blonde sweet looking demon girl. Another who had an X over her eye. Some other demon was grumpy and cat like. One caught my eye. He wore an outfit of reds. And had a radio staff. His hair was red tipped in black. His hair short and sharp.

"A guest!!!" The blonde girl jumped over to me in joy shaking my hand violently. The girl with the X over her left eye pulled her off of me before she gave me a hug. I awkwardly nod a thanks to her.

Everyone's eyes burned on my skin while the Blondie asked me a billion questions. The radio man stared me down with his menacing grin. I felt chills up my spine.

"Charlie, may I show our new friend around. I have that charm ya knowww~" The radio man cooed. He grinned.

The blonde girl who I assume is Charlie agreed to his idea. And at once I was being escorted around this hotel. I hadn't said a word since my encounter with the creep.

Alastor. That's his name. He turned to me grinning darkly ear to ear.

"Where are you from my dear?"

I step back at once. Chills running down my Spine.

"I just died- Earth..?" I hesitantly answer.

"Oh of course!" He went back to walking me around cheerfully. Bipolar much or what you freak? I shudder. As we walk he watches me close. I feel his eyes on me.

"So, my new friend. What brings you here?" He creepily waves his hands around the hotel. To which he explained was called the Hazbin Hotel.

"I kinda ran here for safety..." I mumble quietly. I look down a hall and see a darkly lit room. I stare at it.

"Uh-uh-uhhh. That's my room. My personal space." Just like that the door slammed shut. He waves his finger at me like I'm a child. I glare at him and follow as he continues on about the Hotel. I don't like this dude...


I lay awake in the bedroom they gave me. I can't help but feel as if eyes were looking at me once I layed to sleep. What am I doing... I felt so off around the radio-rat. He was off. This world seemed off.

Quietly I open my door peaking down the hall. I walk slowly as I enter the lobby. The demons I had met earlier, Husker and Angel were lying together against a wall next to the bar. Both of them snuggle into each other. Must be a thing I guess. I shrug and look out the door. The sky was  a blood red as white stars shined up high. It was quieter than before. Very few places were on. Most just had people drinking inside. Or partying deep in the buildings.

Before I know it my feet are taking me out the hotel doors. I couldn't stay there. Not with the radio man. Alastor. He treated himself like a big deal. An overlord he mentioned. Whatever the hell that means.

I walk down the gravel. Up to the street. And walk for what feels like hours. I check the phone Charlie given me. I felt bad for taking it. But it was a gift. One meant to follow me where I went. Walking through the town I decided nights weren't bad here.

I was alone.

It was quiet.

I could think.

I sit on the curb and scroll through medias. I look up overlord on about every platform I find. Supposedly the overlords are the keepers of big elements. Well that's the best way I can understand it. Alastor. He was a radio demon. An overlord of what though...

A blue light came across from the street.

An angry looking flat screen made its way from a building.

The building from earlier.

He looked pissed.

He caught my attention.

Even so, I stayed on the street.

Let's give it some time before I talk to anyone. Find out who I am and can be here. No rules...

Sorry there wasn't much of him. This was the prologue in a sense! Just showing how you got here!

You become an overlord of Magic/vodo btw! Pretty neat huh

Enjoy the rest of the story!

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