Life as it is now

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I glance across the room to Aspen. They're huddle up with a small blanket. I watch them struggle to stay awake. Whatever Alastor did to them, fucked them up big time. He had stated to have drained their magic. Then put a restraint bracelet on them. And me.

It has been six days since I left Vox. I haven't been out of this house; if you can call it that; since then.

The last few days I've noticed Aspen's condition. They're not able to eat much, sleep much, think much... really anything... Alastor had explain something similar would happen to Vox if I went against anything he asked of me. So I haven't rebelled once. I couldn't risk it.

I look around at the walls. None of which had windows. I'm not even too sure where we are...

Bambi may actually win this time...

"Aspen, you doing okay over there?" I murmur across the dim room. Of course I still wasn't over how they had betrayed me... but from the way they're doing I can't just stand by.

"𝐍⃥⃒̸𝐨⃥⃒̸" They cough harshly "₦Ø, ₦Ø₮ ⱤɆ₳ⱠⱠɎ.."

I frown at them. Aspen presses their face into their hands. I walk over to them feeling light headed. My head pounded.

"Is this really from him draining your magic?" I press my hand on their head to feel them burning up. As hot as the sun. Burning like fire.

"₥Ⱨ₥..." Aspen looks up at me with sad eyes. "ł'₥ ₴ØⱤⱤɎ" I watch them form tears and frown at me. No matter how much you say that I can't get rid of the image of that day...

I sigh as the memories come back.

The day Aspen had betrayed me.

"I know." I sigh. "I know you're sorry." I make my way over to the opposite corner of the room and sit on the hard floor. Which happens to also be stone. 'To keep you from digging an escape.' Alastor's words hung in my head.

My mouth was dry. My stomach growled. My heart ached. All I wanted was for things to go back to how they were.

If I'm feeling this horrible ,

I can't even imagine how Vox is doing....



"Orion, I'm back." I hear Steve call from the front door of his house. Now that I don't have a job I couldn't live on my own. I would get another job if word of me being fired by an overlord didn't get out...

The past few days i have been getting turned down for any job due to Vox firing me...

Steve had offered me a room in his home. Very sweet of him. This was the Steve I knew.

"Hey." I murmured while reading my book. I have read three books on magic and curses. Spells. Witchcraft. Everything.

And all I have found are two long shot ideas.

I couldn't make sense of any of it.

Nothing made sense.

Magic is very difficult to understand...

"Still at it?" Steve stands behind my chair. He reaches for my book with one of his hands. I watch as he grabs the book looking at the pages before slamming it shut. I turn my face upwards quickly, unsure of his sudden reaction.

"Hey- I was reading- I don't know what page I was on!" I jump up and reach for the book. Steve holds it above my head. I was tall but he was clearly taller. "Give it back-"

Steve glares at me before shaking his head no.

"What did you eat today?" His voice is monotoned. I freeze and look into his gaze. His deep purple eyes locked contact with my gaze. He puts a set of hands on his hips.

"Please give me the book" I didn't eatttt- shoot. He lightly flicks me in the head. I promised...

"Did you eat today like I asked?" He taps his foot and I avoid his eyes.

"No- but I'm not hungry just- please let me read." I reach for the book again. He moves his hand even higher. One of his other arms grabs my wrist to pull my hand down.

"No. Go eat something you dumbass" He turns away still holding my book.

"Page 346." He mumbles before walking into his room.

I stare at him walking away for a second before turning to the kitchen grumbling to myself.


"Go the fuck to bed." Steve grumbles. I notice he's huddled up next to me squinting from the lamp I have on. Guiltily, I turn the lamp off and stare off into space. "I didn't mean to keep you up." I whisper. "I was just trying to read still..."

My thoughts traveled from one to another back to the start. How can I prevent this?

"Do you think I'll forgive this out?" I whisper to Steve who sighs loudly. I can almost feel the roll of his eyes.

"I think I'll kick you out if you don't shush it and let me sleep." His tone is bland but I'm aware he's not being serious. Plusss, he insisted I'd stay with him when I told him about my living situation. He wouldn't kick me out.

"Sorry." I murmur. I lean against the couch listening to Steve breathe quietly. I tap my fingers against my leg and tap my foot with worry. My friends are both struggling...

Steve suddenly stands up. I can't see much due to the darkness. I can only feel movements.

Once I feel Steve's presence again he's directly next to me. He leans his back against my side and grabs my hand that had been tapping my leg.

"I said go to bed. Not stay up worrying. Or using your leg as a drum." Steve's tone holds amusement somewhere. I chuckle at this. I pull his arm closer and hug it with my own. Steve shifts his body to hold me. He has been letting me get closer to him recently...

More than normal.

I don't mind.

Not at all.

"Look, I get you're worried but this isn't your problem. Vox is a dick for firing you. Y/N can handle herself. You have your own stuff to worry about." I lay my head on his chest listening to him talk. "They're both fucking stupid. Just don't get so overwhelmed with this. Not worth it."

I sigh. My eyes felt heavy.

"Good night." I murmur sleepily. I feel a blanket get layed over me, holding me tight.

"Night." He mumbles while bringing one of his hands to my hair.

idk man, they're just good friends

Also I may need an extra day before posting next!

1102 words!


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