Hellish dream and hellish drink (pt2)

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"Y/nnnn," I hear Vox's voice, "Y/nnn~ darling." I open my eyes blinking the sleepiness from my vision. His hands brush softly through my hair. As my vision focuses in met with a smiling Vox.

"I think you have to go talk to Steve, hm?" I see Vox's loving gaze staring me in the eyes. His hand gently cupping my cheek. (No. Not that cheek. 😨) I yawn, rubbing my eyes. Vox slowly sits up, helping me up too. I sit in his lap rubbing the sleepiness from my face and allowing myself to wake up.

"Yeah.." I sleepily rub my eyes. I shake the sleepiness out of my system. Plan is, talk to Steve, ensure he's okay, try to get through to him.. for Orion's sake.

(An: I hate Orion :3 )






* (an: yeah that's right, I'm naming one for once. This guy's name can be Benjamin)

There we sit, he looks very pissed to be here. We are seated at a table in a little shop in hell. It's a nice place considering where we're stuck at. Steve looks exhausted. Not like he had been doing much, just... malnourished? I noticed the visible eye bags on his face. Every so often he'll look away from the world around him, and look at me with his glare.

He looks like someone who's just given up, like they died. He was living because what else was there.

I've tried to talk to him a few times. Get a conversation going, so this isn't so tension heavy and awkward. But every single time, without fail, he gives me a two word response and shuts up.

"Steve, I am really sorry," I begin again "It was Orion's choice.. if I had known he was doing that I wouldn't have agreed or been okay." I'm speaking truth. I would have done anything to find a different way than letting one of the sweetest people die. One of my friends.

I remember watching Orion take his own life for mine. I'm still haunted by the images of him on the ground.

"Okay." Is all Steve mutters in response. I don't even remember what hat I was trying to accomplish by coming here. It's pointless. No matter what I do.

"Did Orion.. mention anything his last few days?"

"Mention anything?" He repeats my words. He looks at me and crosses his arms. Great, now he's more close off.

"Was he saying anything that could've been hinting at what he was doing?" I seem to get his attention with this. Maybe if he engaged more and talks about Orion it can help the grief.

"Are you trying to say it's my fault for not noticing?" He says. His voice has a stinging tone to it. The most words I've heard him say so far. But they weren't good.

"No. Of course not. I," I pause, "was just thinking.. I'm trying to get you to talk. I think it would help." I'm careful with how I speak to him. I was walking on glass at this point.

It was a struggle. A shitty struggle.

But it's for my friend who had given his life, his friends, his happiness, and all for me.

Steve was important to him.

So this conversation matters.

"Do you want to tell me more about Orion? I'd like to hear about him."

An :)
This is a short chapter yeahhhh
Fear not, my motivation is coming back slowly!

I want to thank you all for being patient with me. I know I've said in past chapters I was going through a hard time, I still am, but I'm learning to cope. You've all been supportive and patient since day one. I'm so happy to be able to write for you all.

And thank you to readers who've become my friends.

Lizzy, you especially. You've been here for me and have been my (I would say) biggest fan. Your comments would make me smile all the time. I'm very glad to call you my friend. And little online sister.

There's so many people who read and comment that I love. I'm glad to see my work being entertaining and enjoyable.

Thank you all so much.

For anyone who is wondering why I've been gone for so long, I'll give a rundown without getting into detail.

(Bold text at the end)

This isn't important at all, really.
I just feel like I need to give a good reason for hmmm disappearance.

Tw, mention of
Abuse(past), suicide

I have had a super hard past already with living in an abusive household for some years, and this year, and especially recently. This, plus my past had become way too much for me to deal with. I planned to do something(you can tell from the Tw) which caused me to give up on many things. This story being one, as well as relations, school and hobbies.

I do not plan on anymore, and I've spoken to friends about fixing my mindset and thinking of plans to make things better.

As stuff has been getting better I've been gaining to motivation to keep stuff running in my life.

I plan on starting to write more this summer.

And I don't break my promises, I promised to finish this story, so I will.

[I plan on removing this note after the story is back to a regular schedule]

Having said all that, thank you.

This is Cd signing off and probably gonna go plan my next chapter! :)

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