Well, what do YOU want??..

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"You're not surprised???" I ask Velvet. She leans against her bedroom wall.

"Not at all" she smirks.

Apparently she could tell I liked him.


"I've seen the way you look at the fucking flatscreen himself. I've seen the way he looks at you too. And um. HOW MANY TIMES have you guys MADE OUT??" Velvet grabs her phone off the pillow next to us. Is it really that obviously??

Next thing I know Velvet's phone is being tossed at me. I grab it and look at the screen. I see a folder named 'Flatscreen and my babes'

"Velvet what the fuck is this-" I stare at the folder wondering why she has an entire file oder dedicated to this.

"Clicky click click!" She snaps her fingers. I click the folder.

Tons and tons of videos and pictures of me and Vox take ahold of the screen. One of the ones I spot is the one Velvet sent me of Vox and I on the couch together. So many... SHE'S LITERALLY A STALKER-

"You're a fucking stalker!-" I state, looking her in the eyes and she shakes her finger at me.

"No no no sweetie, I'm a shipper. This is just my proof." She grins mischievously. I roll my eyes at her. She has a point though...

"So what do I do about this..?" I pause "like how can I figure out what he wants.. and not make shit weird?" My gaze moves to Velvet who is refreshing her makeup in the mirror at the desk beside me.

"Are you kidding me?!" She whips her head to me. "You're joking right?" An anxious feeling flutters in my veins.

"I'm being serious.."

"YOU GOD DAMN BLIND FUCKER OF A MOTHERFUCKING- " she throws a makeup brush at me. I quickly dodge it before it smacks me in my face.


I tense up and glance at the photos.

Each one holding a scene of me and Vox being close.

"So do you really think I wouldn't ruin stuff by asking him what he wants from our relationship?" I ask quietly. Velv calms down and rolls her eyes. I hear her sigh.

"He cuddles up on you like a leech. Has you share a bed with him. Let's you live with him. Kisses your head and face or whatever. Let's you wear his clothes. STATED he wanted to spend forever with you. Cares for you... IM PRETTY DAMN SURE HE LIKES YOU,YN!!" She throws another brush at me. "AND YOU TWO FUCKING MADE OUT."

I sigh. Maybe I'll ask then..


"I'm back" I call out as I enter Vox's home. Maybe i can just call here my home too.. I do live here...

"Y/nnn" Vox peaks around from his office and smiles at me. Not his fake smile he tends to wear, but a soft real one.

Nervousness fills my stomach. Even after hearing Velvet's argument I still can't help but worry.

"Can we talk..?" I ask quietly as I put my staff against the wall. I stare at the unique symbols on the sides of it as I wait for Vox to speak.

"Yeah- about what though? Are you okay?" He walks towards me trying to catch my eye gaze. "Did you see Aspen or- that fucking radio rat?" His face flickers with a hint of anger bringing up the name.

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