Radio in the way

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It's been two days since Vox and I's little...

Encounter in his hallway...

But things haven't felt weird. Aside from not knowing our relationship status with one another. I mean look at how we act...

We fucking made out..

He stated he wanted to be with me...


He hasn't mentioned that night, he's probably waiting for me to say something.

Oh but I unsure wasn't going to. I was right now in a his office trying to sort through some stuff about the angel. I think I figured it out..

Vox was at Val's studio, apparently Angel had a little...incident. Again.

I lay back in Vox's chair and try to think of what could have happened this time. Angel probably just had ants to stay at that fuckin' hotel with that shit faced fucking radio demon. I glare down at the scars covering my legs and arms from him and Aspen. I Clench my fists hard.


I look at my phone across the desk.

A text from Velv.

"Open the door pls 😘"

Do what now-

Just then the front door to Vox's home was knocked on. I smiled and jumped up. Velvet! I let her in. She instantly makes herself comfy on the couch in the living room, in her usual spot on the corner. I sit on the other side.

"Your little BF is gonna be such a pain in the ass because of Valsy btw." She chuckles. "Oh my satan. You should've saw today. Angel was so in for it. And That girl Charlie, Lucifer's Daughter~ Oh she pissed Val off so bad. It was fuckin' funny" she instantly pours out all the gossip she has in her. I smile and listen drinking the wine I poured for us.

The sky grew dark and me and Velvet were still in the living room. We were clearly affected by the alcohol. Acting a bit more childish than normal.
"Oh my god!~ WHAT NEXT AFTER HE SAID THAT??" She raised her voice excitedly and shook me by my shoulders. I laughed and shoved her off me.

"We made out... in THAT hall." I point across the giant room to the hall.

"No. Way..."  she has a huge grin on her face.

"Oh yes way."

"VOX LOVES YOUUUU~ HAHAHAH" she starts laughing yelling things about me and Vox as I chase her around trying to shut her up.

"Y/N AND VOX SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-" speaking of Vox...there he was...standing in the front door...

I blush hard and Velvet stops dead in her tracks. She smirks at him and points to me. Then makes her hands make out. I watch too drunk to process, but too sober to not worry.

Vox already looked pissed. But now, he was enraged. He stormed over to Vekvet and flicked her on the head. He could've done worse so I was thankful. Velvet glared at him then layed on a couch.

"What the fuck are you still doing here. Go home. It's fucking midnight." He grumbles at her in a harsh tone.

"I'm just gonna spend the night~" she pauses and grins "unless you two have something planned for the bedroom. I'll leave then~"

I turn bright red at her comment and choke on my wine.

Vox clenches his fists and storms into the bedroom.

I turn to make my way after Vox but I hear a static filled voice. I turn to Velvet who was on her phone half asleep.

"Was that your phone?" I ask quietly

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