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"Uh... hey.... I'm sure you both know I'm dead by the time you're watching this...

Velvette and I came up with a plan to save you, Vox...

I've been researching how to reverse the curse since Y/n was stopped in the street by the Radio Demon...

I was walking back to work when I saw them... I heard all of it. I knew I had to help.

Steve also helped.

He got me a book that had the solution in it...

This plan basically is to sacrifice myself. But-p-please don't feel bad- I made the choice on my own.

Y/n, you helped me... I was struggling with overworking myself, and you got me breaks I needed. It is worth it for you.

And for you too Vox. Thanks for hiring me. I loved working for you. I'm glad you'll be safe after this.

You were the best boss ever. Thanks for keeping me around for while.

I forgive you for firing me...

You were only upset..."

Orion starts to cough. I feel tears boil in my eyes.

"Uh- I- I do have one thing to ask though...

It's about Steve.

I know he's kind of..uh...

'An asshole' (Velvette)

Uh- yeah-

He's actually a very sweet person. And when this happens he's going to be shattered inside. Vox, please don't fire him.

He's going to be struggling so much.

He needs time.

I'm going to hurt him so much-"

Orion covers his eyes. I watch through the screen. I see he's crying but keeps trying to smile.

"Sorry- heh- uh-

I'm really hoping this works. You both are important to me...


'Wanna call it there?' (Velvette)


Goodbye Y/n, goodbye Vox."

And the video ends...

Oh Orion....I can't thank you enough...

I fighting there tears that threaten to pour down my cheeks. I avoid looking at either Vox or Velvette.

Vox is clearly tense next to me. I almost sense guilt coming from him. I haven't heard his side of what has happened... maybe something bad happened with Orion...

I try to recall each word Orion had said.

He was fired?....

We all sit in silence.

Unknowing how to go about the rest of the conversation. Or moment.

"I'm gonna go- I'll leave you two together for a while." Velvette smiles at me and waves bye.

Now only Vox and I sit alone in the bedroom. Tears in our eyes. Emotions running high.

"What happened with Orion...He was fired?" I turn to Vox even though I don't want him seeing me cry again. I can't help the tears though, Orion was a great person who gave up everything for us..

"I-.. I was really pissed. And- I was yelling at everyone left and right... Orion was one of the people I fired-" Vox surprisingly has a glimmer of tears in his eyes.

He fired him...

"I figured he'd be fine- I mean- at least I thought that after I calmed down-" Vox adds in quickly.

"Orion was never anything but good. He didn't give you a reason to do that." I pull my hands into my lap "And now he's gone. Because he would rather help you and I survive than live and be happy." I feel Vox tense. Tears make their way from my eyes. But I'm too upset to care.

Of course a part of me was furious with Vox. He fired Orion despite him never being anything but overly loyal.

On the other hand I couldn't blame him. He was mad because he thought I had left.

So is this really entirely on him?...

Or me?....

"I was upset- of course it wasn't ri-"

"I watched him kill himself for us. For your safety. Even after you had thrown him out like he was nothing." I can't tell if I'm mad at him or myself more. I just knew I wasn't happy Orion did this. He doesn't deserve this.

"That was his choice, Y/n." Vox's tone is lingered with frustration.

"That he made to keep you alive." I glare at his direction. "He didn't deserve this-"

"Don't you think I feel bad enough?!" His voice gets louder. He glares at me.

I'm left silent. I didn't mean to hurt him anymore. I just can't handle this.

"I know...I'm really really sorry.." I murmured softly before I turn forward and pull my knees to my chest. I rest my chin on my knees. I sigh slowly trying to keep any more tears in.

"I'm just so overwhelmed.. I watched him stab himself... I've been locked up this entire time... I've been drained...I've had to fight... it's all so much." I cover my face by hiding it in my arms against my knees.

Vox stays silent but pulls me into him.

"I'm sorry too... It's okay." Vox lays me on his chest and brushes his hands through my H/c hair.

I can't stop the tears and cries this time. I let myself be held while I let the emotions settle.

Vox traces his hand on my back soothingly. I wrap my arms around him


I'm not sure how much time passes once I fell asleep, but when I open my eyes it's dark outside the window. I rub my eyes before sitting up.

Vox's arms are wrapped around my waist while he sleeps. I smile and gently rub his back. He nuzzles into me.

"I'm so happy to be back."

Me too bro.

Anyway, next chapter we get to see Stevey Poo😍

Warning, he's all depressed and emo. What a frickin loser, am I right?
Dios mio 🙄

See ya!!


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