Orion's life :)

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(TW! Mentions of Death, Drugs, drinking, mental health issues)

Since you all wanna marry Orion...
Lemme give you an entire chapter on him!

This can be called
A Missed Last Solo
(You'll get it after)

I didn't mean to die that night in winter.

It was a horrible accident.

I didn't mean to.

I didn't want to hurt her.

I missed her fucking Solo...


"Will you be there though?" My litte sister stared at me while holding her violin. Her blues eyes looked into mine. She was only seven, but was being allowed to play with the ten year olds at school tonight in their concert. I had to admit I was proud.

I glance at the drink in my hand. I take a sip and nod. "I'll be there. I couldn't miss your big solo, huh?" I smile at her. My world is her, Evelyn.

I watch her face smile. She jumps up and down, giggling in joy. I take another sip of the alcohol in my hand. Suddenly my sister pauses her jumping and quietly looks at me. I glance at her confused.

"Hm?" I hum at her while sipping my drink once again.

She hesitantly shrugs, I shrug as well. She runs off to her room and I can hear her practicing the solo she's been going on about all month. She tells me I'm not allowed to hear it so I head to my room. I look at the carpet on my floor. A reddish patch makes me frown.

It was a reminder of one of the only memories I had with my parents before they died. My mom and I were playing a game with my toys. She had a cup of red whine on the ground. At the time it was her and my dad's room. I remember it like yesterday. I accidentally tipped it over with a toy car. My mom laughed it off while I cried and apologized.

I hate messing up.

I hate causing stress to others.

I hated it then too.

My dad came home that day and said it would be a reminder of me. I smiled in that moment. I don't smile about it now.

I frown now because it's a reminder of them .

"Orion! My friend's ma is here! Can I go?" I hear Evelyn excitedly yell through my bedroom door. I wipe the tears that escaped my eyes and chug the rest of my drink. Sickness spills over me but I shove it down.

"Y-yeah! I'll see you later Eve-y!" I force my voice to sound bright. I couldn't let her see me so upset right before her concert.

"We're going out for ice cream after riiiight?" I smile softly and laugh.

"Yes we are little missy, now go on with your friend. Tell her mom thank you!" I hear Evelyn run down the hall and open the front door. I turn back to the stain in my carpet. Then look at the pile of bills on my desk.

I sigh.

I can't describe the feeling.

I feel empty. Yet full of sorrow. Life feels boring. But feels like too much. It feels dull. Yet it feels too in my face. My heart aches, and it panics.

I walk over to my desk and look at the medication piling on top of the bills. I open a random bottle and take the rest of the meds left inside. Around five only. I hope it works and fixes me.

Even if it never does.

Doctors can throw as much medicine as they want at you. But it can't fix you.

You can take all the drugs you want in the world, but it'll never cure the diseased brain you have.

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