Lets get out of here...

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"No no no- Orion no-" I shake the boy's dead body in front of me. Blood poured from his chest. Tears stream from my face. "ORION-" I scream. My voice cracks, full of cries. His weak, now lifeless body lays limp in my arms.

Aspen weakly makes their way behind me. I feel their scrawny hand on my shoulder. Tears fall down my cheeks as I turn to see Aspen's broken face. I let go of my now dead friend. His body lies limp on the concrete floor.

"We have to go- let's not- waste his sacrifice..." I quietly manage to say. Aspen nods. They haven't been able to talk for a while now. I look around the room. I see the door. Here's our escape.


"Y/N WATCH OUT-" Velvette screams at me as one of Alastor's tentacles reach for me with speed. He had caught me escaping. But now that my staff is in hand he can't do much to stop me.

I whip my staff shooting at him. He pulls back the tentacle quickly. I take my chance to shoot magic at him once more. I have age my staff around as Alastor tries collecting himself. As soon as I hit him he falls to the ground.

"What not so strong now, Bambi?" I walk over to him on the ground. I notice many eyes on us from around the clearing. Yet they keep a distance. Overlords fighting is never something to get involved in.

He grumbles and lashes his staff at my leg barely leaving a millisecond to react. I yelp out at jump grabbing my leg. I use my magic to keep myself from falling. fuck.

I grab onto my staff tightly as another tentacle reaches for my legs pulling them from under me. My body falls to the floor making my head slam into the ground.

Pain pounds in my ears. I feel my body freeze up on the ground as I grip my head in pain.

"Who's looking weak now, hm dear??" Alastor grins standing over me. I open my eyes to see him ready to strike with his magic.

Something electric stabs me in the ribs. I scream in pain. I was already in shitty condition..

No matter how pain I'm in. I keep my hand around my staff.

"Not able to fight back?" Alastor menacingly says. He brushes his hands over his coat, patting off dust. I force myself to glare at him. I've waited so long for this, I can't let him win.

He slams the end of his staff into my side. I grip my body and groan in pain. I tighten my hand around my staff. I feel blood trickling from my mouth.

"Y/N-" Velvette falls out before getting cut short. I look up and see Alastor has her tangled in a tentacle. His gaze turns to me as he grins ear to ear. Panic and fury rushes into my veins. I push myself off the floor as Velvette struggles in his grip. Alastor laughs manically as Velvette gasps for air.

Lights flash around us and I slash my staff in the direction of Alastor. My body feels light. I open my eyes to see a scene of Velvette staring at me and Alastor on the ground bleeding. His staff lays beside him.

I slowly land on the ground unaware of what happened just now. I walk to Velvette giving her my staff. I knew what I had to do. She holds the staff with shaking hands. I make my way to Alastor who's still struggling with himself.

His face tilts up at me and he attempts to tape a grin to his face. He fails. I can see through it.

"Stay away from me," I grab his staff "my friends," I raise it above my head and his eyes widen in horror "for good."

I smash the staff into the ground shattering it into pieces. Green smoke lifts from the shambles of it.

"NO-" Alastor yells and grabs at the broken shards scattered around him. I glare at him and look around for Aspen. They had escaped with me but disappeared shortly after Alastor caught us. I accept they aren't around. We're better off on separate paths.

Velvette walks next to me handing me my staff. I chuckle once I see how short she is and how much bigger it is compared to her. She gives me a grateful smile in return.

"I missed you." She simply puts. The words echo in my head and warm my heart. Here's my best friend. The one I thought I had lost.

"I missed you too." I pull her into a hug.

We stay like that for a while.

I stay in her arms thinking of everything she probably had to go through to get me out of there.

And all Orion gave up...

The memory of my friend stabbing himself replays in my head.

Thank you Orion....


"Are you ready to go say hi?" Velvette asks "Warning he may be a little... unpredictable... he's been an ass- well a HUGE ass since you left.." Velvette and I stand on the outside of Vox's bedroom. Behind a closed door.

"Yeah. I'm ready." I murmur and smile.

Did you really think I wasn't gonna leave this off at all Cliff hanger?
Think again

Hope you enjoyed!
I finally have motivation to write!!


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