Goodbye to my World (pt2)

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Hey guys! My updates have sucked ass recently
This time it's because me mother was in the hospitallllLALLSTNJE
Say, that Wattpad writer curse is coming for me slowly LMAO
I swear I'll try to write more😭

Anyway let's get back to our silly story

I finally come face to face with Velvette. She wears a worried yet determined expression. I take in a breath before she talks.

"Are you sure you're down for this?" She looks up into my eyes. No.

"Yes ma'am. You remember the plan?" I ask trying to steer the conversation away from how I felt. I can't let Alastor do this to my friend. I can't let him have so much power in hell. What would he do... what is he doing?...

"I remember. Duh." Her sassy persona floods back to her. I smile. My legs feel like they're going to give out so I lean against a wall near us. Velvette pulls out her phone, she then points her device at me. I stare at her confused.

"Uh- Velvette??.."

"Go on and talk. I'll show this video to Y/n and Vox.. probably." She waves her hand indicating me to act quick. I glance at the ground.

"Uh- Hey..." I pause "I'm sure you both know I'm dead by the time you're watching this..."


And Here we are. Worry washes over me. If Alastor didn't go about this the way we planned we may not get Y/n out. Velvette fixes her hair and grins at me. "Here we go?" I nod slowly trying to prepare myself.

I don't all away from Velvette waiting for her to execute her plan.

She knocks on the door.

Alastor steps out with an unpleasant smile on his face. Velvette begins talking and trying to slowly get Alastor to move closer and further from the door. Their conversation was from what I knew about Y/n. Alastor had no idea we knew he had them.

So Velvette was supposed to try talking about the disappearance of the powerful overlord. She was supposed to make an excuse for Vox and Val not being there for answers like her. I find myself holding my breath as I walk in behind Alastor through the open door.

I knew this place stemmed off the hotel. It was apart of his radio shack. Or whatever he calls this. I searched every corner of the place for a sign of life.

It was dark and grim. Red and black designs everywhere. I staff in the corner of the room attracts my eye. I walk quietly to it, studying the patterns engraved on the wood.


Y/n's staff!

I remember the first day they had visited with the V's. I had noticed the interesting carvings around it. I grab the staff in hand.

"Y-" I cough covering my words. Shit. I can't even talk.

"Y/n?-" I cough again. "It's Orion- Can you- hear me?-"

A muffled voice breaks the silence. My eyes light up with hope.

"Y/n?-" I call out again hoping to hear them again.

Their voice cuts through the thick silence coating the room. It's on my right. I stumbled over to a shelf.

"Knock on- the- wall." I knock next to the bookshelf. And I hear Y/n on the other side. Knocking. I rest my palm against the shelf. I can't move this.

If someone would be asked me to move this even before I started the soul drain, I could probably get by moving it a foot. But now?

I close my eyes and sigh hard. Breathing felt like a chore already. I take in a strong breath.

"Y/n- is there- a- door- on your-side?" I ask as loud as I can.

I hear them yell yes. There's another voice but I can't put my finger on it. I start clearing books off the shelf. I pile them on the floor beside me.

"I need- you- to- somehow- help me- can you open- ..." I spot a key on the bookshelf. "Never mind-...." I grab the shelf and pull towards me as hard as I can. My arms almost give out. Suddenly the shelf crashes towards me. I throw myself out of the way. Once I look up I see a locked door.

I lift myself off and ground using the wall for support. I hold the key in my hand, and put it to the lock.

"Y/N- just- hang- on.." I can barely figure out how my body is moving when I can barely think.

I open the door and see Y/n.

They stand in front of me with a broken hopeful smile. Their body looks starved. They look weakened. I smile at them. I hope they're not too hurt at what I'm about to do...

A face appears behind them. Their eyes fully black. Orange matted hair. They look full of sickness and sorrow.

My legs give out.

I fall to my knees. The concrete ground making my bones ache.

I reach for the pocket knife I had on me.

"Y/n....?" They rush to their knees and look at me. I look at them with teary eyes. "Th-the only way- Vox's c-curse- can- be lifted- is if- there- was a- sacri-fice-...." Their eyes widen.

"Can- I- have y-your hand-" I reach with my left hand for theirs. Once I have their hand in mine I take my knife to their palm. They wince in pain. I flinch as they pull away.

"I-I'm- sorry- but- I- had- to-" I cough. I steadily hold the knife to my chest. In front of my heart.

"Orion...?" Their voice is drowning with concern.

My vision becomes spotted..

"You- helped me- let me- help- you-"

I plunge the knife into my heart.

I'm sorry Steve...

Yeah we're calling it there LOLOLOLOL

Orions dead times two.


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