Goodbye to my World (pt1)

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I open my eyes, fully aware this is my last time waking up. As I sit up in bed my vision blurs. It felt hard to move my body. I glance around the room dizzily looking for a clock. The time reads an hour before I need to go meet with Velvette.

Not so much time left with Steve.

I sigh and struggle to pull myself out of bed. When I stand I keep a hand on the wall beside me to ensure I wouldn't just splat onto the ground. I throw a hoodie on and inhale before stepping my way into the hall. My gaze struggled to keep in focus. Geez- those potions don't go light-

From across the room I see Steve at the counter drawing in his sketchbook. His back is turned to me. I smile and sneakily walk behind him. Or at least try to.

Weakly I grab his shoulder trying to spook him. He flips around to face me, frightened. Once we hold our gazes he begins to laugh softly. I laugh along.

"Good morning" he hums pulling out the chair beside him for me. I gratefully sit next to him, looking at his sketchbook. The pages were covered in illustrations of flowers, trees, clouds, cities. Landscapes all around. I smile and pull on his arm to give me the book.

"How come I've never seen your drawings?" He hands me his book, watching my face closely.

"Not something I show everyone." He shrugs and  fiddles with his pencil. I flip through the pages slowly admiring each piece. More flowers. Some animals here and there. Ones we of course don't see in hell, only the real world.. Trees. The sky. I grab the next page to flip but Steve grabs the book.

"Nope- no further." He closes the sketchbook and puts it off to the side. I watch his face closely, but I don't see much from his expressionless gaze.

"Why?" I ask quietly. I feel my voice giving out. I really need to get going....

"Just because." He mumbles. He looks around the room for a second then turns back to me. "Are you hungry? I can cook you something?" I smile at the offer but I really can't stay for too long...

I shake my head no, "I'm meeting Velvette for breakfast- I forgot to tell you..." you're such a liar. "I'm going to talk about my plan with her.." Steve nods. My heart tightens.

"Can we just- sit together- for a bit?" I quickly murmur. Steve's eyes lighten with happiness, I believe. He nods quickly and stands up offering me a hand. I hesitate to grab it right away. Will I even be able to walk??.... I feel broken- I take his hand in my own.

Steve smiles and tries to guide me to the couch but I trip over my own feet. Luckily two of Steve's arms grab me by my waist while the other two grip on my hands. I reach for his shoulders to steady myself out of instinct.

"Are you okay??" Steve gazes into my eyes worriedly. I nod trying to shake the feeling of numbness off of me. Slowly he walks me to the couch and sits. I seat myself alongside him.

I rest my head on his chest and focus on making myself breathe. My throat and lungs feel like they're being glued shut. I feel Steve's hand gently on my head. He pulls me in close. I can't help but smile weakly.

I carefully wrap my arms around him. A pair of arms wraps their way under mine to my waist. I close my eyes and try to last in this moment as long as I can. I try to distract myself by listening to Steve's heart. I try not to think about how heartbroken he'll be once today's over. I try to remind myself this is for my friend.
"You'll be okay though? Velvette would understand. You're clearly feeling off" Steve held my hand close to him gazing into my eyes with worry written all over his face.

"I'll be okay, Steve" I hug him and rest my head in the crook of his neck. His arms wrap around me. I look him in the eyes.

"Are you sure? You've been really off all morning.." his hand gently cups the side of my face.

"I'll be fine. I'm just tired." I give him a smile. I hope it looks real enough. He stares at me seeming to contemplate something, I can't tell what.

He gently kisses my head. I feel my face heat up. He smiles at me.

"Alright, don't be too long, Oreo." He lets go off me leaving me awestruck next to the door. Then reality hits me.

I wave to him and walk out.

My balance is so bad I need to hold onto street lights as I walk.

Hang on Y/N, I've got your back...




-CD <3

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