ꕷ 𖢧 ꛎ 𖢧 ꛈ ꛕ

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~ ꁲꈜꉣꑀꃔ' POV ~

ꛈ ꛕꛎꛘ'𖢧 ꛎꛘꚲ𖢑𖣠𖦪𖤢. ꛅ𖤢'ꕷ ꛅꚶ𖦪𖢧ꛈꛘꚽ 𖢑𖤢 ꛘ𖣠ꛃ. 

𖢑ꚲ ꕷ𖣠ꚶꚳ, 𖢑ꚲ ꔪ𖣠𖤀ꚲ, 𖢑ꚲ 𖢑ꛈꛘ𖤀...

ꛅ𖤢'ꕷ 𖢧ꚶ𖦪ꛘꛈꛘꚽ 𖢑𖤢 ꛈꛘ𖢧𖣠 ꛎ ꛤꚶꛤꛤ𖤢𖢧.

ꕷ𖣠 ꛈ ꛕꛎꛘ 𖢉𖤢𖤢ꛤ ꛅꚶ𖦪𖢧ꛈꛘꚽ ꛤ𖤢𖣠ꛤꚳ𖤢.

ꛈ 𖦪𖤢ꚽ𖦪𖤢𖢧 ꛅꚶ𖦪𖢧ꛈꛘꚽ ꚲ/ꛘ

𖣠ꛅ ꛅ𖣠ꛃ ꔪꛎ𖤀 ꛈ ꘘ𖤢𖤢ꚳ

ꛈ 𖢉𖤢𖤢ꛤ 𖢧𖦪ꚲꛈꛘꚽ 𖢧𖣠 ꛕ𖣠ꛘ𖢧ꛎꛕ𖢧 ꛅ𖤢𖦪 𖢧ꛅ𖦪𖣠ꚶꚽꛅ 𖢧ꛅ𖤢 ꚳꛈ𖢧𖢧ꚳ𖤢 𖢑ꛎꚽꛈꛕ ꛈ ꛅꛎꚴ𖤢...

ꔪꚶ𖢧 ꛅ𖤢 ꛅꛎꕷ ꔪ𖦪𖣠𖢉𖤢ꛘ 𖢑ꚲ ꚴ𖣠ꛈꛕ𖤢 𖤀𖣠ꛃꛘ ꕷ𖣠 𖢑ꚶꛕꛅ.

ꛈ ꛕꛎꛘt 𖢧ꛎꚳ𖢉 𖦪ꛈꚽꛅ𖢧 ꛎꛘꚲ𖢑𖣠𖦪𖤢.

ꛈ ꕷ𖣠ꚶꛘ𖤀 ꚳꛈ𖢉𖤢 ꛎ ꕷ𖢧ꛎ𖢧ꛈꛕ 𖦪ꛎ𖤀ꛈ𖣠.

ꛅ𖤢 𖣠ꛤ𖤢ꛘꕷ 𖢧ꛅ𖤢 𖤀𖣠𖣠𖦪 𖣠ꛘ 𖢧ꛅ𖤢 𖣠𖢧ꛅ𖤢𖦪 ꕷꛈ𖤀𖤢 𖣠ꘘ 𖢧ꛅꛈꕷ 𖤀ꚶꛘꚽ𖤢𖣠ꛘ.

ꛕꛎꛘ'𖢧 𖢉𖤢𖤢ꛤ ꚽ𖣠ꛈꛘꚽ ꚳꛈ𖢉𖤢 𖢧ꛅꛈꕷ

~Y/n POV~

That static noise hasn't stopped yet. Every once in a while I hear it muttering something in my ear. I can't make the words out. My fear is that it's Alastor contacting me.

We've managed to fix the computer system with some magic and rebooting this week. Vox explained it was Alastor, hence the deer. The red. The forest. The static.

The radio demon was still fucking with Vox.
And me...

I think back to my first encounter with him. I glance at Vox who fell asleep laying in my lap. I hold his hand.

The day I met Alastor was over seven years ago. I couldn't recall every word he said, but I remember him asking me where I came from. I remembered this because it was an odd question to ask. I obviously would come from earth or somewhere else in hell. But when I said that he had a look on his grinning face. One that made me assume he hadn't believed a word I said.

Where did you expect me to come from and why, Alastor..?

"Mmph..." Vox started to shift awake. He pulled the blanket over his head.

"Good morning~" I coo and smile at him. I still am unsure about where our relationship lays...

What ever it is it's not 'business partner' level-

He frowns at me sleepily.

"Oh don't look at me like that." I chuckle. He goes back to resting his head in my lap. I never would imagined he'd be so clingy..

I look out the window beside us. The sun shined bright.

"I don't wanna get up.." he whines. I feel him under the blanket wrap his arms around my waist.

"You don't need to get out of bed right now, but you do have to at some point." I move the blanket from his face so I can see it. He narrows his eyes at me and pulls the blanket over his head again. He snuggles into my lap. I chuckle at this.

The static noise filled my ears again...

Words that I don't understand echo in my ears and burn into my mind. The sounds overlap and glitch. It sounded like a radio that couldn't pick up the station I wanted.

I tense up and move my gaze around the room.

"Y/n?" Vox pops his head up from my lap and reveals his face from the blanket. I look at him still tense.

"Are you okay? You just tensed up a lot." He puts his hand on my arm.

"Yeah I'm fine, just..." I don't want him to worry- what can I say- "just thinking about Aspen-"

"Oh... oh..." Vox sits up. He holds his arms out for a hug and pulls me into an embrace. I scoot closer and lean against him. Despite how sleepy he is he forces himself to sit and hold me.

"I'm sorry for what they did...I'm very thankful you're okay now though." I smile, feeling half bad I lied, but hearing that did help a the bitter wound in my heart from the event.

After a few minutes I end up in his lap laying my head on his chest. Vox brushes his hands in my hair softly. He every so often asks if I'm doing alright and if I need anything, to which I answer 'five more minutes'.

I couldn't figure it out.

It being our relationship.

I feel I do like him...

But does he like me? Or is this just something to pass time...

Does this not count since it's not official...

What did he want??...

As I sat spiraling Vox kissed my head. I look up at him. Would it be worth the risk to ask?...

Sorry it's short, last chapter was almost 2,000 words long which was also made the same day as today
I'm gonna get a head start on writing the next one. And that one will be the interesting stuff! And I had no other ideas for this one. So you guys are stuck with 700-800 words here :]


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