I promise this wasnt my plan..

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An! Sorry for the delay! I was stressing, I explained in the last chapter. Here's what I would've posted yesterday but I wanted to post after I got my performance for solo and ensemble done! I hope you enjoy!

"Love youu~" I call out to Vox as I leave. He looks up from his computer. He has been looking into things about the angels.

"I love you too, I'll see you later" He smiles sweetly at me. I close the door behind me walking down to the lobby. I see Orion about to go on break. I'm so glad I convinced him to take a small break everyday. A few days after the extermination I talked to Orion and Vox about the overworking situation. Vox greed it would be beneficial for Orion to take small breaks everyday.

"Oh Miss Y/n" he waves at me. "Off somewhere?" He ran a hand through his white hair. I nod to his question.

"I'm going to go help a client out with some magic related things" Orion opens the front door for me. I walk through letting Hell's warmth beat down on me from the sun.

"Ah, alright." We walk down the sidewalk of Hell together. Today seemed strangely quiet. But to be fair, the extermination cancel seemed to calm everyone down.

"Where are you off to?" I ask trying to keep the conversation going. Orion smiles at this question.

"Well, soon is my little sister's birthday. She isn't here.. but I like writing her birthday cards despite that. So I'm off to get a few things from a shop and then go back to work." My heart wishes he could be with his sister. It's hard being away from people you love.

"Oh I see. Well, I hope she has a good birthday. That's sweet to make a card." Orion nods and puts his hands in his pockets. We talk a bit more. Asking about each other's day. He explains the small breaks he has been taking is helping a lot which makes me very happy to hear. Orion was a great person, always doing the right thing even when it was difficult. I wonder why he would ever be sent down here.

"Would it be okay to ask a personal question?" I ask him quietly. I don't want to intrude on private information but I believe we're close enough of friends.

"Go ahead and ask, depending on what it is we'll see how far my answer goes." His voice is very polite as he hints at his boundaries.

"Alright. I want to know why you were sent to Hell... you seem like such a great person. Very smart. Very helpful. It just doesn't make sense to me." I avoid his eye contact till I'm done talking.

Orion stares at the sidewalk for a second. "Well..." he begins "I made bad decisions. I struggled a lot with my parent's death. It lingered into other issues. I got involved in the wrong stuff..."

"Oh," I feel pity "I'm so sorry"

"No no, don't be. My choices." Orion gives me a nervous smile.

"Not about that. But that you struggled. I'm sorry life was hard." I explain in a softer manner.

"Oh." Orion looks like he's thinking about my words. "It wasn't so bad, well- it was. But, I had the best sister in the world. A wonderful kid."

"I bet so"

"Her name was Evelyn." He has a sweet smile. "I actually got to name her. My parents asked me what I wanted to call my younger sister. I said Eve-y. They took that as Evelyn." His eyes seem to be reflecting on memories.

"I miss them." He finally adds before clearing his throat. I hadn't realized it but tears were threatening his eyes.

"Sorry- oh gosh. Hehe, I don't talk about memories a lot. Thanks for listening." He chuckles and wipes his eyes before putting his hands back in his pockets. (Yes I went back and corrected the error)

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