1- Hidden Inventory

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Things were busy that summer. The frequent disasters of the past year probably played a role, but cursed spirits were springing up like maggots. Exorcise, absorb. Over and over. Exorcise. Absorb. No one else understands what cursed spirits taste like.

--- a couple days ago ---

"Hey, Suguru-san... what do cursed spirits taste like?" Kuina asks as she swings upside down from the money bars by her legs, "you always silently absorb these spirits, but surely if they're evil, they don't taste nice. They don't smell nice, either".

"Who would have known you're four" Suguru says with a slight chuckle, "you sound like a fifty year old".

"Not fair" Kuina says as she throws some popcorn at Suguru, "but seriously, it can't be nice at all".

"You're right. It's not nice" Suguru says as he looks down, "it's like swallowing a dirty rag that's been used to clean up shit and vomit".

"Nasty" Kuina says as she grimaces.

--- present day ---

Exorcise. Absorb. 'What I witnessed isn't uncommon. I understood the ugliness of the masses, and still chose to be a jujutsu sorcerer to save others'. That's what I've been telling myself since that day. Ever since that day...

--- the next day ---

"Apparently, this used to be the home of the president of a company managing a local chain of barbeque restaurants" Utahime explains as she and Mei are driven to the location of their next mission, "however, in July of last year, the mad cow disease breakout dealt a fatal blow to his restaurants, so he committed suicide with his family after they were buried under vast debt. From then on, local rumours claim the president's home was haunted, so local school kids, college students from outside the prefecture, job-hoppers and others would visit it as part of a test of courage, and subsequently go missing. Those rumours brought about more rumours and the damage just continued to spread".

"Rumours do tend to spread rather quickly around haunted spots" Mei says as she texts someone on her phone, "they can spread at an unbelievable pace nowadays, thanks to the internet. This all just means even more work for us jujutsu sorcerers".

"In addition to that, three grade school kids went missing on their way home from school" Utahime says as she adds to the temporary report, "there's also a high chance the families, police, colleagues, and friends who trace the path of those who disappeared will reach the mansion and become victims themselves. We have to sever the root of this issue as soon as possible".

"HQ sent us to investigate because they reached the same conclusion" Mei says as she looks out of the window, "they're even paying my fees which aren't cheap".

"Did you overcharge them again?" Utahime asks as she looks at Mei from over her right shoulder.

"You make it sound bad" Mei says with a please smile, "call it negotiation".

"We're here" Mei and Utahime's assistant announces as they pull up outside the aforementioned mansion.

"Let's go then" Mei says as she opens the door of the car.

"Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness" Utahime says as she stands at the entrance of the ground, "purify that-".

"There's no need for a veil" Mei says as she puts her hand on Utahime's shoulder.

"Huh?" Utahime says as she looks at Mei.

"I don't sense the presence of any curses" Mei says as she walks up the stairs to the front door, "the cause is almost certainly inside the building. You can cast the veil later if we end up attacking it from outside".

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