4- Hidden Inventory 4

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Suguru sends his dragon cursed spirit towards Toji as it crashes into the wall.

"Kuina, can you stand?" Suguru says as he holds Kuina's shoulders.

"I can't do it, Suguru-san. Why did he have to kill Satoru of all people? Why my brother?" Kuina cries as tears fail to stop falling from her eyes.

"Kuina-chan, listen to me. The sooner we get rid of him, the sooner we can get Satoru to Shoko, but I need your help" Suguru says as she shakes Kuina, "you're the one with the Heavenly Pact. You know how they work the best out of all of us! Please, Kuina-chan. I know you're tired, I know you're scared and I know you're heartbroken and you want your brother back, but we can't get to him until we'll got rid of this man!".

The dragon flies by them, heading towards the large tree when Toji climbs out of the dragon's mouth, aiming his gun at Suguru and Kuina as he shoots five times. Suguru is about to use a cursed spirit when Kuina stands up. Suguru looks up at Kuina who's black hair turns white at the ends. Kuina's eye glow blue momentarily as the bullets fail to hit her. Kuina throws her arm out as the bullets travel towards Toji again. He ducks down as the five bullets hit the tree behind him.

What the hell happened to the brat?

Toji asks confused as he looks at Kuina who doesn't move, only her eyes which follow his every move.

"Kuina-chan" Suguru says shocked.

"I'm okay now, Suguru-san. We'll get back to Satoru in no time" Kuina says calmly as she doesn't break eye contact with Toji, despite how fast he's moving.

The dragon throws Toji into the hallways below that dip into the ditch where the tree stands in the middle of the large opening. Suguru and Kuina both jump down as they land near where the dragon crashed down. The two of them land in one of the hallways as they watch the cursed spirit dragon disappear, much to Suguru's shock.

"Don't be so impatient" Toji says as he walks through the dust made by the impact of his crash landing, "the Tombs of the Star and the Forbidden Vault use barriers that conceal" he says as he starts to walk to his right, "so they can't place guards at the entrance. As long as you know where the doors are, they're full of holes. Sorcerers are busy during this time of year, and Jujutsu High is brimming with fly heads right now. It's pure chaos outside. And since I have no cursed energy, it's like I'm the invisible man. There was one problem, though. If I wield a cursed tool, the cursed energy from it will stop me from being the invisible man".

Suguru holds his arm out to where he thinks Toji is walking above them as he sends out three cursed spirits, creating an opening in the roof.

"Now, there's more to this story" Toji says from beside the two of them as Suguru grabs Kuina's wrist, pulling her behind him, "see, I keep a cursed spirit capable of storing objects on me. So I usually put my cursed tools in it when I'm walking around" he says as he starts to walk to his right again, "you don't have to say it. Yes, that means cursed energy from the cursed spirit should stop me from being an invisible man. So I make the cursed spirit smaller until I can fit it inside my body. Then I keep it inside my stomach. After all, the organs of the invisible man are invisible, too, right? That's how I'm able to pass through any barrier while still carrying all kinds of cursed tools. That's also why I didn't use a cursed tool at first" he says as Suguru and Kuina continue to follow him, "a surprise attack on the Six Eyes would be pointless if I wasn't invisible. I could have killed the Star Plasma Vessel first, but the risk of the Six Eyes seeing me first was-".

"Enough. You have a heavenly pact, right?" Suguru says as he stops Toji from ranting on and on, "I know revealing information about your ability increases its fundamental strength, just like for a sorcerer. That's not what I want to know. How did you know which doors led to the Tomb of the Stars? You had Kuina gagged all the way here, and she wouldn't have told you anyway and told you to shove your mission up your ass and go to hell, so it definitely wasn't her who revealed the path. We didn't leave even the slightest of residuals".

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