11- Seance

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Ino, Yuji, Xavier and Megumi make it into the street as they walk up to the veil. Megumi, Ino and Xavier back off as Yuji stands in front. He balls his fists, taking a deep breath out as he punches the veil, waves rippling from where Yuji punched, yet his attack having no effect.

"No good" Yuji says as he looks at his fist, "it's not budging at all".

"W-well, that was some decent force" Ino says, shocked by Yuji's sheer strength, even without cursed energy, "do you have a heavenly pact like Kuina or something?".

"A what?" Yuji asks as he looks at Ino.

"No, Yuji is just a gorilla" Megumi says as he shakes his head.

Is this guy for real? He could give Nanami-san a run for his money in terms of physical blows. Though I suppose that's why...

Ino says as he looks Yuji up and down.

"It's a rather sturdy veil" Megumi says as he studies the veil, "we'll have to search for its weak point and put a hole in it, even if it's only for a second. We can't get anywhere without getting inside first".

"Huh? Why not?" Yuji asks as he takes down another cursed spirit of a lower level.

"Why not?" Ino repeats as he looks at Yuji, "listen, this a veil to keep sorcerers out. It's a barrier. Barriers are designed to surround you and protect yourself, right? Which fundamentally means that whoever lowered this veil is inside it".

--- 22:01, Shibuya Central Tower ---

"Think the sorcerers will realise it?" a man with beady eyes asks as he looks down at the veil below him, "this is the place that stands out the most within the veil, right?".

"Probably" an old woman says from behind him.

"But even if they do realise it..." a man with a shaved head says as he stands next to the old woman.

"Yeah" the beady eyed man says as he walks over to the two of them, "the lower floors are swarming with those transfigured humans. They won't be able to climb up here that fast".

Suddenly, the three of them are pulled to the side by a string being pulled by Yuji and Nue. Yuji pulls on the wire as the three of them are thrown apart from one another. Ino runs in as he finds one of the nails holding up the barrier. Ino kicks the nail as he starts to look for the other two nails. Yuji runs towards the beady eyed man as Ino spots the other two nails in the man's hand. Yuji and Megumi along with the help of Nue tie the man up as they pull him off the edge of the skyscraper, bringing him down to the ground.

"Grandson" the old lady says as she and the buzzcut man land on the ground, Ino spotting the two of them.

"Yes, I know, Granny" the man says as he looks at Ino.

"I have some endearing underclassmen now, so it's time to earn some achievements here" Ino says as he pulls his mask down over his face, "that way, I can become a first grade, too" he says as he holds his hands out in front of him, imbuing them with cursed energy, "Auspicious Beast Summoner: #1, Kaichi!" he says as a yellow and black spiral pattern bullet type objects appears in front of him.

He sends the bullet towards the man as the man grabs the old woman, carrying her as he dodges the bullet, only for it to swing back around to him. The man puts his arm up as the bullet takes out a chunk of his forearm.

"Granny, that was..." the man says as he puts the old woman down.

"Yes, quite the coincidence" the old woman says as the man heals his arm.

"Number 2, Reiki" Ino says as he creates another bullet.

Ino and the man start to fight, Ino using his technique as the man only uses physical combat. The man pushes Ino back as the old lady kneels down on the ground, hands together as she starts to chant some kind of spell as cursed energy surrounds her. Ino watches as the woman's energy moves to the man, surrounding him as well as she doesn't stop chanting.

"We're all set now" the old woman says, her voice ragged and tired.

"Got it, Granny" the man says as he looks at the old woman.

"I won't let you!" Ino yells angrily as he creates another bullet.

The man pulls out a vial of something as Ino throws the bullet towards him, the man swallowing the vial.

"Toji Zenin" the old woman says as she opens her eyes.

Ino gasps as the man grabs the bullet stopping it as Ino scans the man's face, realising he's morphing into someone. A man he only ever saw photos of in the report, the man who was killed by Satoru Gojo when he was only 17. Toji Zenin.

"How is it, Grandson?" the woman asks as he looks up at the man.

"Yeah, it's great, Granny" the man says as his voice starts to distort, "better than any before".

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