17- Thunderclap 2

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--- where Kuina is ---

Maki, Naobito-san and Nanami-san will okay for now, so I need to get back to Xavier. If Megumi's still with Toji, he'll be on his last legs.

Kuina says as she holds her pendant. She continues to walk when she sees Xavier ahead of her.

"Kuina!" Xavier shouts, spotting her.

"Xavier!" Kuina says happily as she runs to him, hugging him tightly.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asks as he scans her up and down, "are you unharmed?".

"Now I am" Kuina says as all of her wounds heal from being within a few inches of Xavier's immortal energy.

"What did you summon me back for?" Xavier asks as he looks at Kuina.

"It's Megumi. The last I saw of him, I left him with a clone of a man Satoru killed years ago when I was younger. His own Father" Kuina says as the two of them start to walk together, "I had to go see if Nanami-san, Maki and Naobito-san were okay as Toji attacked me and the three of them were left alone with Jogo who attacked then. Yuji was given more of Sukuna's fingers and now Sukuna's in control. For some reason, Sukuna's targeting me and Megumi, so we need your protection. No matter what happens to me and Megumi, you need to subdue Sukuna and bring Yuji back".

--- where Megumi is ---

"In my Ten Shadow Technique, only two Demon Dogs are granted to the user at first. The other shikigami aren't granted to the used until they finish subjugating them. The user must continue subjugating each one to increase the shikigami available to them, until they are finally able to command all ten shikigami" Megumi says as he stumbles across the road, clutching his stomach, the blood from his back pouring onto the ground.

"You done?" the blonde haired man asks as he twirls his sword in his hand, "you're really strong, just like that woman from earlier. Even though your young. You're all beat up, yet you give me no openings to get close. Though, with all that bleeding, I won't even have to do anything".

"Thing is, this subjugation can be done with multiple people" Megumi says as he trips over, only to manage to pull himself up from the ground, "though conducting the subjugation with multiple people voids it afterward. Which means the ritual becomes pointless to the sorcerer themselves. Still, even if it is pointless, there are ways to do it".

"Who's that?" the blonde haired man asks as there is a large explosion nearby, "they're being real flashy".

"To continue, while the shikigami can't be used without first subjugating it, the user can summon them as many times as necessary for the purpose of subjugating them" Megumi says as he kneels down, facing the blonde haired man.

"You don't mean..." the blonde haired man says stunned.

"Megumi!" Kuina yells as she runs over, "what are you doing? Don't tell me".

"Kuina, this is the only way I can keep on fighting" Megumi says as she looks down, "after this, I'll be done. It's the only way we can stop this".

"It's okay, Megs" Kuina says with a nod, "release it. I can stop it".

"I know you can" Megumi says as he holds his hand out in front of him in fists, "in all of sorcerer history, there's never been anyone who managed to subjugate this one".

--- a few months ago ---

"Do you know why the Zenin clan and the Gojo clan are on such bad terms?" Satoru asks as he sits down on a chair.

"Are they actually on bad terms in the first place?" Megumi asks as he turns to look at Satoru.

"Sparks are constantly flying" Satoru says as he puts his legs up, "since the Edo era? Or the Keicho era? I forget when, but the heads of the clans at the time got serious during a spectated match, and they both died".

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