14- Fluctuations

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--- where MeiMei, UiUi and Suguru are ---

"Okay, everyone, it's the main event" Mei says as she looks directly at Suguru, her crows flying past her, "will you die for me?".

"Not bad" Suguru says, using one of his many cursed spirit, "for a modern sorcerer".

--- where Naobito, Nanami, and Maki are ---

"Satoru Gojo has been sealed, huh?" Naobito says as he looks at the clock which ticks by with every passing minute, "I feel like I've been bushwhacked".

"Me too" Nanami says as they all make their way down the stairs, "Geto-san is involved, though, even if he is a fake. I imagine the trick lies there".

"I'd be happy to toast the fall of the Gojo clan" Naobito says as he follows behind Maki.

"Kuina is a Gojo. She can run the clan" Maki says annoyed as she walks behind Nanami.

"Her own parents abandoned her, did she not? She makes a mockery of the jujutsu society. If it were up to me, and it weren't illegal, I would have gotten rid of her myself years ago" Naobito says angrily.

"Say that again and I will rip your tongue from your mouth without giving it a second thought" Nanami says as he grabs Naobito, slamming him against the wall.

"Nanami-san!" Maki says shocked as she holds onto Nanami's arm.

"Kuina Gojo is one of the strongest members of society. Stronger than you, even" Nanami says as he glares at Naobito before letting him go, "she'd kill you before you even get the chance".

"Go home if you're not gonna help!" Maki says as she looks at Naobito.

"Go home, huh?" Naobito says as he strokes his chin, "that's what you should be doing, Maki. Right, grade one sorcerer, Nanami-dono?".

"Maki-san, you should do what he says in this concern" Nanami says as he looks at Maki.

"I'll be far more useful than some drunkard" Maki says as she rolls her eyes.

"Have you been drinking?" Nanami asks as he looks at Naobito.

"No, I haven't been drinking" Naobito says as he burps.

I guess there's never been a case where I was better off alone.

Nanami says as he looks away. The three of them start to pick up the pace as they make it to a large opening in the middle of the station, Nanami putting his arm out in front of Maki to stop her, only for Naobito to run into her back.

"Nanami-san" Maki says as she prepares her weapon.

"Yes" Nanami says as he prepares his own weapon, "I'll take this one myself".

Nanami starts to walk forwards as the red cursed spirit reveals itself.

"You guys are a bit too slow" Naobito says as he runs to the cursed spirit, grabbing it in his hand.

Naobito cackles as he drops the curse, punching it into the pillar across the room.

"Did you see that?" Maki asks confused.

"No" Nanami says as his eyes thin.

It must be his technique.

Nanami says as the curse starts to try and stand up. Suddenly, the curse spits out something that initially looks like water, only for it to turn into the skeletons of victims in front of their eyes.

"How many people have you eaten?" Naobito asks as he takes in the sheer amount of skeletons before his eyes.

"Jogo..." the curse says as it starts to crawl over the mound of skeletons, "Mahito... Hanami... Hanami!" the curse says as it starts to transform into something more than what it was, "how dare... how dare you kill Hanami?! Kill Hanami?!".

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