16- Thunderclap

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I knew he was stronger. But to think it was to this extent!

Jogo says as he falls from the sky, Sukuna falling straight after him.

--- where Megumi and Toji are ---

Since Kuina ran off, Toji has now switched his focus to Megumi. Megumi looks in front of him and sees Toji walking across the zebra crossing. He blinks and Toji is suddenly gone. He hears footsteps behind him and looks over, seeing Toji walking over the zebra crossing behind him.

He's this fast without any cursed energy? He must be the perfected form of Maki-san and Kuina. Focus! Thanks to Inumaki-senpai, all the normal people and transfigured humans are out of the way. Visualise it! Visualise how to beat this guy! Visualise winning!

Megumi says as he prepares his stance. Toji holds the staff out as he gets ready to throw it at Megumi.

"Fleeing hares!" Megumi yells as multiple small hares appear in front of him, only for him to feel a strange but unfortunately familiar sensation.

That was Sukuna's fingers! What the hell is happening here in Shibuya?

Megumi asks as he runs through the large amount of hares. Toji makes his way through as he goes to attack Megumi, Megumi diving out of the way.

He charged through on pure instinct!

Megumi says as he lands, running off as the hares follow him. Toji watches Megumi run off as he goes after him. Megumi makes it to an abandoned warehouse as he runs inside, looking around as he stands in the middle, the hares surrounding him.

Shit! I no longer have the cursed energy to use Domain Expansion, either!

Megumi says as he runs upstairs, Toji appearing a few metres away from him. Megumi runs to Toji as he tries to punch him, Toji simply blocking all of the hits with his one hand. Toji punches Megumi as he stumbles slightly. One hare jumps at Toji as he grabs it by its ears, using it to destroy the other hares that try to attack him. Megumi runs to Toji, ducking down as he kicks his leg out, trying to take Toji off his balance as Toji drops Playful Cloud downward, Megumi kicking that instead. Megumi stands up as he tries to attack Toji again, only for Toji to grab his wrist as he pulls Megumi in front of him, headbutting him. A hare runs up Megumi's back, onto Toji's arm as it tries to kick Toji, Toji biting down on the hare's leg as he flicks his head, releasing the hare as it disappears. He throws Megumi away from him as multiple hares make their way over to Toji.

Toji throws Playful Cloud up into the air as he stamps on the ground, the ground breaking up as the hares are thrown slightly into the air. Toji simply flicks the air as the pieces of rubble fly towards the hares, destroying them. He puts his hand in the air as Playful Cloud drops down into his hand.

--- where Panda and Kusakabe are ---

"Kusakabe, aren't we done with the interior yet?" Panda asks as he opens the door to a large special area in the station, "they might still be in the veil, but thanks to Toge, everyone's been evacuated, so let's head to Satoru. How do we get to floor B5 from here? Toge said the news about him being sealed is real, so let's hurry!".

"Gojo this, Gojo that" Kusakabe says as he jumps over the railing, landing on the ground below, "Gojo isn't the only person in the world! Who knows who might be trembling in a nook of Shibuya this very instant? Imagine if it were some young elementary school girls. How would you feel if we overlooked them? It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say we were responsible for snuffing out such a bright future!".

"M-maybe you're right" Panda says as he attempts to jump the barrier.

"If you understand, then get to scouring every building, every floor, and behind all the toilets, you dumbass!" Kusakabe shouts angrily.

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