3- Hidden Inventory 3

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--- a few moments before Kuroi was kidnapped ---

"There's always a chance the worst could happen" Kuroi says as she looks at Suguru, "you're much faster than me, so go on ahead! Hurry to Riko-chan's side!".

--- somewhere in the city ---

"I'm sorry. This was my mistake" Suguru says disappointedly.

"Really?" Satoru asks as he looks at Suguru, "I don't think this even counts as a mistake".

"I underestimated how much our enemies would value Kuroi-san" Suguru says as he stands in front of Satoru.

"There next move will probably be offering her to arrange an exchange for her" Satoru says as he looks at Riko who sits on the staircase with Kuina, "something like trading Amanai for Kuroi-san, or saying they'll kill Kuroi-san if we don't kill Amanai. But we have the leverage in any negotiations since we have Amanai. As long as they set up the location for the deal, we can make it work out. I'm taking Amanai back to Jujutsu High now. We can have Shoko or someone stand in as her body double".

"I'll do it" Kuina says as she walks over, "fifteen years old, same height, near to same hair colour. It'd work".

"Not you. You're too precious for this kind of thing" Suguru says as he looks at her.

"Why can't I?" Kuina asks annoyed.

"You mean too much to both Satoru and I. So no. Not you" Suguru says sternly.

"H-hold on!" Riko says as she stands up, "I'm going to this deal, too! I still can't trust you three yet!".

"Huh?! You're still saying this after all this, you-" Satoru says as he looks at Riko.

"Even if you do manage to save her... what if Kuroi isn't back before I assimilate with Tengen-sama?" Riko asks as she balls her fists, "I haven't... I haven't even said goodbye to her!".

"The kidnapper will reach out to us eventually" Satoru says as he walks over to Riko, "if they seem like they're smarter than we expected, and bringing you with us is likely to hurt Kuroi-san's chance of survival... then we will leave you behind".

"Alright, that works" Riko says as she wipes her tears.

"In exchange, if you get scared partway through and want to go home, we'll just ignore you" Satoru says as he leans over Riko, "bear that in mind".

Satoru and Riko walk off as Kuina looks at Suguru.

"I'll be the double. We'll keep Riko safe until we've got Kuroi-san safe" Kuina says as she picks up her staff.

"Drop it, Kuina. You won't be doing it" Suguru says as he sighs.

"Why? Cos I'm weak?" Kuina asks annoyed.

"Kuina, you know I don't think that" Suguru says as he looks at her.

"Then why do you treat me like I am?" Kuina asks as she looks at Suguru.

"Because you're four years old. You haven't even had a childhood yet" Suguru says as he puts his arm around her, "you grew up in a family where you were disrespected because you didn't have a certain technique. You grew up with no cursed energy. But then you got a heavenly pact and they were suddenly interested in you. But it was too late for them to atone for what they said and you left them. You've been through a lot, Kuina. Just because you've grown up physically doesn't mean you've grown up emotionally. After all of this is over, I'll take you to the park you like to go to".

"Don't think you can control me cos you mention that park" Kuina says with a pout.

"But I thought you liked that zipline there" Suguru says as he ruffles her hair.

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