6- It's Like That

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--- the next day ---

"I think I'll go see a movie" Yuji says as he scrolls on his phone.

"Can I come?" Kuina asks as she drapes her arms over Yuji's shoulder.

"Me too, me too" Xavier says as he peers over to see Yuji's phone.

"Cool. What about you, Kugisaki?" Yuji asks as he doesn't take his eyes off his phone screen.

"It's still early. I'll go shopping or something" Nobara says as she checks the time on her own phone.

"You all have so much energy" Megumi says as he glances over at the four of them, "I'm going home, then".

Megumi sees Ijichi's car as he gets in the backseat.

"Take care" Yuji says as he waves, Ijichi driving off.

"Finally done" Nobara says as she starts to walk off.

"Well, us three are gonna go to the movies. What about you?" Yuji asks as he looks at Nobara.

"What are you seeing?" Nobara asks as she looks at the three of them.

"Probably Human Earthworm Four" Yuji says happily.

"Nah, fuck that. Nobara, I'm coming with you" Kuina says as she walks to Nobara's side.

"Yes!" Nobara says happily.

"I'll stick with you, Yuji" Xavier says as he puts his arm around Yuji.

"Who'd ever go and see that?!" Nobara asks as she looks at Xavier.

"One thousand year old demons, that's who!" Kuina says as she points to Xavier.

"Anyways, I haven't even seen one, two, or three" Nobara says as she puts her hand on her hip.

"I think you'd both be fine jumping in on four" Yuji says as goes onto his phone again, pulling up the trailer, "this time, the mad scientist from the first one, Dr Richter, is making his long awaited reappearance! And the hybrid human earthworm fusion born from the Doctor's experiments is going to give rise to a enhanced Human Earthworm! The poor Human Earthworm, who barely escaped from Dr Richter with its life, finally wanders into a campground where a group of college students are, and that's when the story really kicks off. So, one of the people in that group is a kind woman who's an animal rights proponent, and the Human Earthworm falls in love with her. So the theme is actually love!".

"You sure you don't want to come hold Nobara and I's shopping bags, Xavier?" Kuina asks as she looks at Xavier worriedly.

"Nah, I'm good" Xavier says as he folds his arms.

"I don't want to see some wormie man, regardless of the theme" Nobara says as she rolls her eyes.

"It's 'Human Earthworm'" Yuji says disappointedly.

"It doesn't matter" Nobara says as she waves her hand in front of Yuji's face, "we're going shopping, okay?".

"You two sure you don't wanna come with?" Kuina asks as Nobara sets off.

"We just said we're going to the movies" Xavier says as he flicks Kuina on the forehead.

"Okay. Later, then" Kuina says as she kicks Xavier down the stairs.

"She's so mean to me" Xavier says as he holds his leg.

"Get up, man" Yuji says as he helps Xavier up off of the ground.

--- at Kyoto Jujutsu Tech High School ---

"Special grade is a rank reserved for those sorcerers who are exceptional" Gakuganji explains to Todo, Mei, and Nanami who were talking to him about moving some of the students up a rank, "in my opinion, first grade is the true rank for the sorcerers who will lead other sorcerers and jujutsu society. They must stand above comparison to semi first grades in terms of peril, secrecy and salary. Now, with that in mind, what did you just say?".

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