10- Pandemonium

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"Now we can't use this anymore, right?" Mahito asks as Suguru picks up the Prison Realm.

"Yeah, it only holds one" Suguru says as Mahito leans in, "unless the man inside kills himself, it's unusable now".

"Huh? Lame" Mahito says as he rolls his eyes, "well, in any case...".

"The sealing is complete" Suguru says as the cube turns grey.

--- where Yuji, Xavier, Mei and UiUi are ---

"Wah!" Yuji says suddenly.

"What's the matter?" UiUi asks as he and Mei turn to look at Yuji.

"Something in my ear" Yuji says as he holds the side of his head.

"Can you hear me, Yuji Itadori?" Kokichi asks through the ear piece.

"Huh?" Yuji says confused.

"There's no time" Kokichi says, "listen and understand the first time. Satoru Gojo has been sealed".

"We're talking about Satoru Gojo here" Mei says as she looks at Yuji, "what proof do you have for me to believe you?".

"Sorry, but I don't have anything" Kokichi says, "if I must provide something, it's the very fact that I'm here. I was killed on the 19th of October by the special grade cursed spirit called Mahito. What's here now is no more the insurance I left when I was still live. Advanced insurance, yes. So I had no choice but to set its condition for activating to 'after Satoru Gojo has been sealed'. To decrease the risk of it not going off. I only managed to sneak these puppets into three locations ahead of time. Yuji Itadori was the Jujutsu High sorcerer least likely to be leaking any information. And MeiMei, given the situation, I'm now certain you're in the clear, too".

"Why?" Mei asks as she tilts her head.

"Because someone as skilled at intelligence gathering as you was dispatched here to Meiji Shrine Station instead of acting in the shadows at Shibuya" Kokichi explains, "Itadori wasn't even a part of Jujutsu society until several months ago, either".

"Hey, that might have been so I'd have an excuse to refuse aiding them" Mei says as she shakes her head, "besides, I'm the one who has been stopping Itadori-kun from heading straight to Shibuya all this time. Even if we were ordered to be on standby".

"Then why... is a curse user currently headed your way to eliminate you?" Kokichi asks.

"One, two... two, huh?" Mei says as she walks towards where the curse user is coming from, "Itadori-kun, which is stronger, these two or the cursed spirit you fought earlier?".

"They're probably stronger than that grasshopper" Yuji says as he covers his mouth.

"Let's ignore the curse users and head forwards" Mei says as she dials someone's number on her phone, "we need to confirm Gojo-kun and Kuina-chan's status first".

"Don't" Kokichi says, "the situation in Shibuya has already changed. Their barrier techniques are several degrees better than ours. There are currently four veils lowered over Shibuya, A: the veil trapping common people inside, B: the veil trapping Satoru Gojo inside, C: the veil keeping sorcerers from entering, and D: another veil like A to keep common people trapped inside".

"And you're saying the area further down these tracks is blocked by C" Mei says as she looks at the Mechamaru ear piece held in Yuji's hand.

"That's right" Kokichi says, "the sorcerers on standby are already inside the veil, right? And you can't use cell phones inside the veil".

"Looks like that's not all, either" Mei says as she moves the phone away from her ear, "I can't get a hold of the assistant supervisors who are supposed to be outside the veil".

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