13- Red Scale

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"Convergence" Choso yells as he sends a stream of blood with an arrow point t Yuji as Yuji puts his arms up to block.

The blood hits Yuji's left arm, piercing his flesh as Yuji throws his arms upwards, the blood flying upwards as well as the stream shakes, the cuff of Yuji's jacket being torn off. The power from the attack sends the blood shooting through the ceiling, cutting a line through it.

"Piercing blood" Choso says as Yuji dodges out of the way, Choso following his steps with his attack, not letting up.

Yuji runs towards Choso as he punches him in his right side. Yuji looks down at his arm as he sees the blood spilling from the spot where Choso's attack landed.

"There's something I have to ask you" Choso says as he looks at Yuji, "did my little brothers leave behind any last words?".

Yuji looks at Choso like he's rambling on about nothing, when he remembers the two people he and Nobara killed last year.

"No, not really" Yuji says as he looks at Choso, "but... they were crying".

"Eso! Kechizu!" Choso says angrily, "watch over me... this is your older brother!" he says as blood flows from his back behind him.

Choso gathers the blood into a ball above his head as Yuji runs at him, trying to kick him, only to dodge his attack. Yuji tackles Choso to the ground as he hits the ball of blood out of Choso's hand, the blood splattering all over the ground. Yuji grabs Choso's collar and goes to punch him, only for Choso to move his head out of the way, Choso kicking Yuji off of him. Yuji rolls onto the ground as he looks up and sees small balls of blood turning into arrows as they shoot themselves at the ground, Yuji rolling out of the way in order to not be hit by any of them. Yuji crouches down as Choso throws a large wave of blood at him which catches him up in it, throwing him against the wall behind him. Yuji stands up as Choso brings the blood from the wall and Yuji's clothes towards him, pulling the blood back to him. Choso runs at Yuji who is stunned for a moment, punching Choso in her throat, ducking down, kicking Yuji's legs as Choso goes to punch Yuji again. Yuji dodges out of the way as blood splatters all over the wall next to Yuji's face. Choso then grabs Yuji's arm, pulling him forward as Choso punches Yuji in the chest as Yuji chokes. Yuji jumps back as he slides along the ground, Choso pulling the blood back to him as Yuji looks up. He gathers all of the blood around the room, forming a ball between in his hands as he aims his hands at Yuji, Yuji standing a few metres away from him, the two of them facing each other.

Shit... he got distance on me again. That beam of blood is too fast. I have a 50/50 chance to dodge. If my intuition is off and it hits my head... I'm dead. Then I should at least...

Yuji says as he and Choso part their feet, Yuji jumping upwards into the air.

I need to determine when he fires it myself.

Yuji says as he looks down at Choso.

He's luring me out. Fine, then.

Choso says as he watches Yuji. The minute Yuji's heels hit the ground, Choso shoots out of the blood in an arrow form towards Yuji as he immediately falls down, the shot barely missing him. Yuji runs towards Choso as Choso tries to attack Yuji, only for Yuji to manage to dodge bit by bit.

I knew it. That attack is only fast when it's just fired off. Once I avoid it, I can lay on the pressure!

Yuji says as he manages to get beside Choso, throwing a punch.

"Supernova" Choso says as three balls of blood appear beside Yuji, exploding one by one, each attack hitting Yuji.

Choso creates a dagger with blood as he stabs Yuji once in each foot, Yuji screaming in pain. Yuji kicks up, the dagger still in his food as he brings the kick around, trying to kick Choso in the side of the face as Choso blocks his kick. Choso ducks down as Yuji kicks with his other leg, trying to kick Choso in the side of his head again. Choso pushes Yuji back as Yuji lands on the ground a couple of metres away from Choso, standing up tall.

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