9- Shibuya Incident: Gate, Open

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"Hey there, weed" Satoru says as he points towards Hanami, "this is the third time we've met, right? The first was when you both decided to try and attack myself and my baby sister. The second when you decided to attack the school where my kid sister lives and learns. I have reason to believe you're targeting her. I don't know why you are, but if you think you're gonna get to her, your delusion will kill you. And you still underestimate the shit out of me. I'll kill you first" he says as he jumps down on the tracks, "come on, bring it. What's your problem? You're the ones who said not to run, right?" he says as he walks to Jogo and Hanami, standing in between them.

Hanami raises her fist, Jogo doing the same as Satoru grabs his arm, twisting it which shocks Jogo as he was under the impression that Satoru couldn't make physical contact with people. Satoru bends down, flipping Jogo over his back as Hanami goes to kick him, Satoru moving out of the way as Hanami's kick barely misses Jogo who manages to duck out of the way just in time. Jogo jumps down, Satoru grabbing his arm again as he jumps onto Jogo's shoulder, practically straddling it.

"One, two!" Satoru says with a smirk as he rips Jogo's arm clean off.

Hanami tries to kick Satoru again but he grabs her ankle, kicking her in the stomach.

"Shit!" Kuina curses as she ducks, Hanami flying over her as Choso grabs her, putting her in a chokehold.

Kuina grabs Choso by his hair, pulling him over her as she runs with him, pushing him back as he hits the pillar behind him, Kuina starting to choke him out. He puts his hands together, using his technique as he sends a stream of blood towards Kuina who moves quicker than he can comprehend. Disorientated, Choso looks around, completely lost for words. Hanami stands up, her feet planted on the wall as she looks over to where Jogo and Satoru are, only for her to see Jogo being thrown straight at her. Jogo lands just metres away from Hanami as she looks at him.

"No!" Jogo says as he runs off, Satoru jumping over, landing near Hanami as he goes after Jogo.

Hanami uses her technique as she sends her vines towards Satoru.

"Don't dismiss Domain Amplification, Hanami!" Jogo yells as he looks back at her.

Satoru dodges the vines as Choso grabs Kuina, throwing her over to the wall as she stops herself, grabbing onto Hanami's horns as she puts one foot on each of Hanami's shoulders.

"This is where you're weak, right?" Kuina says menacingly as she jumps off of Hanami, ripping her horns off as she lands back in the ground, "come out, come out wherever you are!".

"Nice support, Kuina!" Satoru yells happily.

"Don't mention it!" Kuina says as she throws Hanami's broken off horns aside, going after Choso who tries to sneak away from her through the crowd, "there you are".

"I knew it!" Satoru says as Hanami screams in pain, her blood splattering everywhere, "you can't use Domain Amplification and your Innate Technique at the same time".

Satoru lands on the tracks as he watches Kuina and Choso go at it with each other, neither of them letting up, not even for a second. Jogo comes from behind Satoru, going to punch him as the lights in the station flicker, soon going completely out.

"Are you sure about this?" Satoru asks as blue energy forms from where Jogo tried to attack him, "the more you try to neutralise my technique with your Domain Amplification, the stronger I have to maintain my technique. I don't think this asparagus has the energy left to withstand that, do you?".

"What?!" Jogo asks shocked as Satoru's Infinity starts to push him back, Satoru turning towards Hanami.

"Don't overdo it, Satoru" Kuina says as she throws Choso onto the ground.

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