7- Evening Festival

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I will be skipping Mechamaru/Kokichi's death as: one, it's too sad for me to live through again, I don't want to be writing this with a blurry vision because of my tears; and two, I'm too excited to get onto the actual Shibuya Incident.

Just after 7pm on the 31st of October, 2018, a roughly four hundred metre radius veil was lowered, centred around Tokyo Department Store's Toyoko Outlet.

--- in the middle of Shibuya ---

It's Halloween night in the middle of Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, and the whole city is bustling with people, some dressed in costumes, ready for a good night, whilst others are dressed in normal work clothes, trying to make their way back home after a hard and long day at work.

"Let's not do Shibuya next year, honey" a girl dressed as Superwoman says as she looks at her boyfriend who is dressed as Superman, "wait a second, what's that?" she asks as she points towards the sky, seeing a dark veil being cast.

"What's what?" the man asks as he looks up, unable to see what his girlfriend is seeing, "what? Do you mean the crescent moon?".

"No, I mean the shiny white thing. It's dropping down now" the girl says as she watches the veil form larger and larger by the second.

"What are you talking about?" the man asks as he tries his best to see what his girlfriend is seeing.

Meanwhile, in a quiet back alley, a group of incredibly drunk men are running around.

"Yay!" one of the men yells as he runs down the street, hitting the veil, which none of them can actually see.

"What are you doing?" one of the man's friends asks as he walks over.

"Are you seriously that drunk?" another guy asks as he crouches down.

"Look, I'm telling you there's a wall. A wall there!" the man says as he points to what he hit, even though he can't see it.

People surround the outside of the veil, as a black energy forms in the middle of the crowd. Suddenly, people are swept off their feet as they are pulled towards the energy, disappearing on impact with it.

--- 20:14, Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station, Exit Number Thirteen, Outside the Veil ---

"It's a veil that only traps regular people inside" Ijichi explains as he stands in front of Nanami, Megumi and Ino, "regular people are only able to enter it. It varies for windows. Sorcerers and assistant supervisors are able to come and go".

"And signal?" Nanami asks as he looks at Koichi.

"It's blocked" Ijichi says as he holds his hands in front of him, "please use assistant supervisors like us, or first exit the veil in order to communicate".

"This is becoming awfully troublesome" Nanami says as he rolls his eyes.

"Fushiguro! Fushiguro!" Ino says as he pokes Megumi's arm, "did you know when adding effects to the barrier of a veil, you can basically only apply them to 'things with cursed energy'? That's roughly people, cursed spirits, and cursed objects. So blocking cell phone signals is just a side effect of a veil being lowered, and you can't actually integrate the surrounding signal into a veil's barrier".

"Oh, yes. I knew that" Megumi says as he looks at Ino.

"Ino-kun, he's a talented man" Nanami says as he looks at Ino, "keep the senior act in check".

"What do you mean, Nanami-san?!" Ino asks as he looks at Nanami.

"So? What about Gojo-san and Kuina-chan?" Nanami asks as he looks at Ijichi.

--- 20:14, Shibuya Mark City Restaurant Avenue Entrance, Outside the Veil ---

"No one's here?" Nobara asks as she looks around, "here at the scramble crossing in front of the station? This is Shibuya on Halloween!

"It would seem something has happened there! Everyone who came running up to the edge of the veil to escaped cried the same thing: 'Bring Satoru Gojo!'" Nitta says as she looks at Nobara, Maki and Naobito.

"There's no way any non-sorcerers know his name" Naobito says as he folds his arms, "they're being forced to say that. We can't break the veil?".

"We're having a hard time with that" Nitta says as she looks at Naobito directly, "the veil isn't preventing sorcerers from entering or leaving, we can't just break it by force. It'll be much faster to find the curse user who lowered it and beat them up".

"Then our job is to help with that, right?" Maki asks as she rests her arm on Nobara's shoulder.

"No!" Nitta says as she shakes her head, "you all are to wait here on standby!".

--- 20:14, JR Shibuya Station South Entrance, Outside the Veil ---

"They lowered an advanced barrier and called out Satoru Gojo by name" Kuwasabe explains as he walks just behind Panda, "this is likely the same culprits behind the attack on the exchange event. The upper brass want to minimise casualties, so they've decided to send Satoru Gojo and Kuina Gojo in to restore order to Shibuya. Us, Nanami, Zenin's old man, and Mei, too. We'll all here on standby outside the veil to catch any of the two's rebounds. We won't be able to stay in contact once we're inside the veil anyway".

"Minimise casualties?" Panda asks as he sits down, "they're talking about sorcerer casualties, aren't they? They don't care about any casualties among regular people, do they?".

"Don't get bristly with me" Kuwasabe says as he looks up at the sky, "unlike last year's Night Parade of a Hundred Demons on Christmas, events are already in motion. I think this was the best call, too. Besides, I had a peek inside the veil earlier, and it was pretty peaceful. Regular people were panicking, sure, but there weren't any cursed spirits or curse users going around killing them. At present, those regular people are just trapped inside. Though, honestly, I don't want to go back inside there again".

"Why's that?" Panda asks as he looks at Kuwasabe.

"It was in Hikarie, I think" Kuwasabe says as he rubs his neck, "most likely there's lots of special grade cursed spirits underground.

--- 20:14, Bunkamura Street Dogenzaka Two Chome East, Inside the Veil ---

"What's going on?" one man yells as a group of people gather around the side of the veil.

"Why can't we pass through here?" a schoolgirl asks annoyed.

"Hurry up and bring Satoru Gojo!" a blonde man yells as he pounds his fists against the veil.

"Who is this Gojo?!" another man asks as he looks at the blonde.

"I don't know!" the blonde haired man says as he balls his fists, "but we were told we can't get out until he comes here! Just fucking get here, man!".

Kuina and Satoru walk through the veil as Satoru accidently bumps into the blonde haired man.

"Oh, sorry" Satoru says as he looks down at the man.

--- 20:31, Satoru and Kuina Gojo arrive ---

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