15- Fluctuations 2

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They faced an enemy that understood language. And in faith with their fellow grade one indirectly conveying his intentions, the previously excluded possibility of escaping the domain became an option once more. One who had inherited the curse of the Zenin clan from birth, and one who could not completely cast off that curse, both stood in witness to the one who cast it all off now manifested in raw flesh... and taking action.

Who's that?

Megumi asks as he watches as Toji is thrown back by Kuina.

A person? A sorcerer?

Maki asks as she watches Toji land in the water, only to stand up.

"Kuina, what happened?" Megumi asks as he looks at her.

"Satoru got sealed, baby Gojo, therefore... bing bang bosh, I'm suddenly the main target of the Gojo clan" Kuina says as she watches Toji.

"No, what happened with Gojo-sensei?" Megumi says as he looks at Toji who slowly starts to walk towards them.

"Suguru Geto showed up with something he called the Prison Realm and sealed Satoru within it" Kuina says as she begins to explain the tail of events leading up to how she got here now, "I ran because I didn't know what was going on. I felt my body do what it did when Satoru died those years ago. I thought I was going to lose control again so I ran. I came here to the train station area where you were because I sensed cursed energy, but I was suddenly attacked by that man over there. He's the man Satoru killed all those years ago. He's got a heavenly pact, like myself. He sent us here. I think he's blindly attacking. Right now, I'm his target".

Suddenly, Toji is in front of Maki as he grabs the staff, trying to take it from her as Maki keeps her grip firm and steady.

He's fast. He was just all the way over there! That's not all, either. What's with his strength?! I know Kuina said he's got a heavenly pact, but he's insane. He's on the same level as Kuina and Gojo-sensei!

Maki says as Toji manages to take the staff from her, sending her into the air as she flips over, landing just near Megumi, Toji standing with his hand in the air.

Did I just lose a battle of pure strength? Me, of all people?

Maki asks confused as she looks at her own hands.

"Fushiguro-kun?" Nanami asks as he doesn't let his eyes off of Toji who has his eyes dead set on Kuina.

"It's no good" Megumi says as he looks down at the hole near his feet, "the hole has been sealed. To make things worse, it just figured out our goal. It won't let us open a hole as easily again".

"Toji!" Naobito says as he realises the man is Toji, who slowly approaches Kuina who slowly backs herself towards Dagon.

Granny Ogami's séance technique still continued after her death. Her summoning of the dead should have ceased once her grandson, the vessel, ran out of cursed energy. But there was no cursed energy in the grandson's soul that was overwritten by Toji Zenin's body, and his body never expended cursed energy, either. Her technique had lost its chance to terminate. The compounding irregularities left her technique running rampant, and Toji Zenin was currently fighting as directed by his instincts until his vessel ultimately broke. He had become a murder machine.

Kuina glances over her shoulder as she realises an idea in her head. She smirks slightly as she prepares her stance, Toji doing the same as he glares directly at her.

This man has no cursed energy?

Dagon asks as he looks past Kuina at Toji.

"Not worth my energy, then" Dagon says as he focuses his intent on Kuina.

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