8- Shibuya Incident

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--- 20:38, Shibuya Hikarie B3F ---

Kuina stands on the top of a part of a building entrance, Satoru crouched down next to her as they watch the crowd below them.

"Well, this is awful" Satoru says as he rests his hands on his knees, "there's another veil centred underneath here that also traps non sorcerers inside".

Kuina and Satoru jump off of what they're standing on as they float above everyone, a lot of people becoming confused by how they're doing that.

"Oops, excuse me" Kuina says as she and Satoru continue to walk around the crowd.

"The fact that you can use Six Eyes and Limitless for one night each month freaks me out" Satoru says as he looks back at Kuina, "you're freaky".

"You're the freakiest one here, dumbass" Kuina says as she rolls her eyes, "I sent Xavier to be at Yuji's side. That way, if Sukuna were to try and do something, Xavier could at least try to stop him".

"That's also freaky. The fact that you have control over a cursed demon" Satoru says as he rubs his forehead, "I wasn't watching you closely enough. If I had, Satan wouldn't be free right now".

"Hey, Xavier is a puppy compared to Satan. Unless you piss him off, that is" Kuina says as she looks at Satoru.

Kuina and Satoru continue to walk until they reach the middle of the station, the two of them hovering over the train tracks below.

"Hmm, I think I have a good idea about what they're after" Kuina says as she rubs the back of her head, "guess we should play along, huh, Satoru?".

--- 20:39, Aoyama Cemetery ---

"They're making Gojo-sensei and Kuina do this alone?!" Yuji asks as he, Mei, and UiUi walk through the cemetery together, "I understand the logic, but there has to be something we can do, too! Be their backup, or something!".

"Yeah, that's why we're heading to Shibuya now" Mei says as she stops walking, "

"Oh, we are?" Yuji asks as UiUi passed Yuji Mei's weapon, going back to Mei as he lays a small blanket down for Mei to sit down on.

"Give it back" UiUi says as he takes Mei's weapon back from Yuji.

"'Give it back?'" Yuji asks shocked by UiUi's rudeness.

"What an ungrateful brat" Xavier says as he raises his hand up, pretending to hit UiUi.

"Forcing Nee-sama to be their backup... those Gojo siblings must think they're some kind of big shots" UiUi says as he lays Mei's weapon next to her.

"I mean, Satoru Gojo is the number one jujutsu sorcerer, and Kuina isn't far behind taking that title" Xavier says as he tries to be as nonchalant about it as he can.

"You shouldn't treat the two of them like such ordinary people" Mei says as she looks at UiUi.

"You're not like ordinary women yourself, Nee-sama" UiUi says as he looks at Mei.

"Am I ordinary?" Yuji asks as he points to himself.

"Very" Xavier says with a nod.

"Ah, UiUi. You are very adorable" Mei says as she puts her hand on UiUi's shoulder.

"There you go saying stuff you don't believe again" UiUi says shyly, "what you love isn't family, but work relations treated as family relations, right?".

"You really do get it" Mei says proudly.

"What kind of relationship is this?" Xavier asks as he whispers to Yuji.

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