6) Edward and Bella's Beef

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☆ A lover? ☆
☆ Maybe.☆
☆ Something tender anyway, ☆
☆ but tender like a bruise ☆

☆☆ Something tender anyway, ☆☆ but tender like a bruise ☆

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✿✧ Chapter six ✧✿

Today Bella was coming to Forks. I'd taken up the task of cleaning the house while my dad drove to the airport. I'd even cleaned up her room a little. I knew that she didn't draw anymore, so I planned to ask her for her art supplies. Considering it had been a couple years since she used them, I was pretty sure she wouldn't mind.

When she got home that evening, Charlie awkwardly showed her to her room and asked if she like the comforter. It was excruciating to watch.
"Hey, I put some of your stuff away and I noticed some art supplies. Since you're more into reading-"

"You can have them."

"Thanks. I already took them anyway." I said with an evil smirk.

Bella let out a dramatic gasp and threw a pillow at me. I giggled and threw it back on the bed. Charlie just stood there looking concerned. I should really teach him some social skills or something.

"I got you some food by the way. Charlie doesn't have much in the fridge since he always eats at the dinner."

"I could cook. I always did the cooking at home."

"I'm as healthy as a horse. There's no need for that." Charlie defended.

I laughed and walked out of the room. I'll probably be dispersing the awkwardness all year. I retreated to my room for the rest of the day. Those two peaceful dreams were very needed.

On Monday, I prepared myself for my next interaction with the Cullens. Luckily they acted like nothing happened. I walked over to their cars that morning and we talked until the bell rang. Then we all went to our respective classes.

At lunch I met up with them outside. Alice wrapped her arm around mine like she usually did. Alice pulled me toward the lunch room with a big smile.

Bella's POV-

"Who are they?"

"The Cullens" Angela said.

"There, um, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved down from Alaska, like, a few years ago."

"They kinda keep to themselves."

"Ya, cause they're all together. Like, together, together. Um, the black haired girl, that's Caspen, and the big dark haired guy, Emmett,are like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess they're not actually related."

"Ya, but they live together. It's weird." she paused and then went back to introducing them. "And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird. And the girl next to her is Onyx. She's, like, the only person the Cullens actually like. Angela thinks those two are dating, but that would just be weird."

"Alice is clearly into her."

I watched my sister and Alice Walker past us like they were in their own world they were talking and giggling. I could definitely imagine why angela thinks that.

"Anyway, the Jasper, the blonde guy who looks like he's in pain, and Rosalie, the blonde girl, are twins. I'd watch out for her, she's cold hearted, doesn't like anyone at the school."

"We call her the ice queen." Angela added.

"Who's that?" I asked when I saw the last guy.

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently nobody here's good envy for him. Like I care, you know? So, ya. Seriously, like, don't waste your time."

"I wasn't planning on it," I said I turned to look at their table.

I was infatuated with him from the moment I saw him. As I looked over our eyes met. I also caught sight of Emmett and my sister joking around.

"How did Onyx become friends with them?"

"uh, we don't know. Her first day here, Emmett invited her to eat lunch with them. Since then she hasn't left their side. Alice in particular, has been with her as much as she can be."

I let out a small huff at the idea of them liking my sister more than me. I looked over with a glare. After a second of glaring, Rosalie looked up at me, and started glaring back. I gasped lightly and turned away.

Onyx's POV-

I was sitting in between Alice and Emmet. Emmett an I we're joking around about something stupid for a while. At some point I noticed Rosalie glaring at someone and how Edward kept looking over there too.

"Okay, what's up? You two have been either glaring or looking at my sister weird for half of lunch." I asked after looking over to see Bella.

"Doesn't matter" Rosalie said with annoyance lacing her voice.

"She's- I'll tell you later."

With that the two of them got up and left. I rolled my eyes at them. Somehow they always seem to have beef with someone.

"So, that's your sister?" Caspen asked.

"Ya, why?"

"You two don't look very similar."

"I'm adopted, same as you. Got bullied for it a lot in Arizona, so I've kept it to myself here."

Alice gave me. Sad look and wrapped her arm around my waist. Her hand rubbed circles on my back, which was strangely calming.

I went about the rest of my day as normal. I had class with Rosalie, who ignored me no matter what I said. Then class with Caspen and Alice. Caspen tried to cheer me up. She'd noticed how Rosalie had upset me before I even said anything.

After school I went home and started my homework. An hour later, Bella barged into my room. She looked annoyed and like she was gonna cry.

"Hey, what's up?"

"He hates me. I smelled so bad that he tried to change classes." she said with more drama than I was used to.


"Edward, Edward Cullen. I walked into bio and he looked like he wanted to puke. Then after class he went to the offiyand asked to change classes. He Said, "I guess I'll just have to endure it" and grimaced."

Bella started to sob like she'd just been told Charlie died. I had forgotten about her dramatics until now. She probably developed a crush on him and then that happened.

"Bella, Edward is an ass. Don't take it personally. I'll go talk some sense into him, okay?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would Bella. It's not like I risking my life or something."

Bella smiled and hugged me. I awkwards patted her back until she let go. Once she let go, she walked out of my room and into her's.

I sighed and dialed Alice's number. She picked up before the second ring.

"Hey, what's up?"

"My sister came to me crying because Edward was being an ass. I was wondering if I could come over and talk some sense into him, or if you could."

"Oh, wow. I'd love for you to come over. It's been forever since we hung out last. BUT, Edward packed his bags for Alaska and left already. He's going to see our cousins."

"And you still want me to come over?"

"Of course. I love having you around, Esme and Emmett do too."

"Alright I'll come over then"

A/n- I'm not writing that visit to the Cullens house. It's basically just gonna be them watching movies and stuff. I'll probably reread and edit these last few chapters later.

Word count- 1225

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