19) Return

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☆ I don't know where I'm going from here ☆
☆ but I promise it won't be boring ☆
-David Bowie

☆ I don't know where I'm going from here ☆☆ but I promise it won't be boring ☆-David Bowie

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✿✧ Chapter Eighteen ✧✿

This will start with Bella's POV but I think I'll switch it later on.

After I slapped that werewolf and ultimately found out about them, Jacob and the pack explained things. It made a lot of sense. I should have known that they weren't human either.

About week later I had a breakdown. I missed my sister so much. I missed the Cullens. Everything felt so overwhelming.

At some point during the episode I decided to make some questionable decisions. I drove out to the Res, to where I saw the pack cliff dive. I needed to feel something. Even if it was reckless or bad.

When I jumped off that cliff, it wasn't to kill myself. If anything it was to feel alive. I didn't think it through. I wasn't thinking straight.

Everything was fine at first. I made it into the water and didn't die. Then I saw a glimpse of red floating in the water. It was Victoria and she was swimming closer.

I panicked. In an attempt to get away I hit my head on a rock. As my vision faded out I saw a red cloud spill from my head.

The next thing I knew I was on the beach. Jake was kneeling by my, giving me cpr. I choked up water. My lungs burned. When I tried to breath I started to weez and cough.

"Bella," Jacob asked. "What were you thinking?"

I pushed myself up on weak arms. I felt drained. Jacob grabbed my shoulder and helped me sit up. My vision was spinning and my head ached.

Right, I hit my head. I brought a hand up and felt for a cut. I winced when my fingers hit the cut.

"Let me look at it."

I shifted, trying to turn. Jacob put his hand back on my shoulder to stop me.

"I've got it."

I gave him a weak smile and let him walk behind me. Her kneeled down behind me and moved my hair aside.

"It's not too bad. You might have a concussion though."

Jacob scooted to my side, placing an arm over my back. He then slipped an arm under my knees. I wrapped my arms around his neck when he lifted me up. He was somehow still dry and he was warm. I leaned my head into his shoulder, enjoying the contact.

"Take me home" I whispered.

He carried me to my truck and got in the drivers seat. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we drove. I was freezing. The cold, wet clothes mixed with the chilly weather wasn't a good combo.

Jacob parked the truck on the side of the road. It was quicker than maneuvering it into the driveway.

"I'm sorry. I just... needed to feel something," I finally said.

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