12) Prom-posal

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☆ Tell me, why are we still friends ☆
☆ When everything says ☆
☆ We should be more? ☆

☆ Tell me, why are we still friends ☆☆ When everything says ☆☆ We should be more? ☆

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✿✧ Chapter Twelve ✧✿

The day after Billy had visited, I was invited to spend some time at the Cullen house. I, of course, happily accepted the offer. Charlie, on the other hand, wasn't as happy about it.

After a small lecture from my dad, I got in my car and headed to their house. Unsurprisingly, the bear mace came with me. It was the only way Charlie would allow me to go.

I spotted Alice the moment I pulled in the driveway. She had rushed over and opened my door for me before I had a chance to. When I stepped out I was pulled into a hug.


I pulled away from the hug, Alice's hands resting on my shoulders. She had a big smile on her face. Somehow those smiles always seemed contagious.

"I'm so glad you came!" Alice squealed.

I let out a chuckle at the excitement. I couldn't understand how she was always so energetic. I rarely had enough energy to survive the day.

"Let's go inside. Rosalie and the others are waiting."

Alice grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the house. When we entered I could smell Italian food. We're they cooking for me?

I was pulled up to the kitchen by Alice's prying hands. I didn't understand why someone would build it upstairs but oh well.

"Onyx, we're making making Italiano for you." Esme told me as we walked in to kitchen.

"Thanks guys. You really didn't have to."

"Oh, stop. We're happy to."

I spotted Rosalie behind her. She was holding a bowl of salad with an annoyed look. Her expression only changed when she saw my eyes on her.

"We're only making Italian because Bella's name is Italian. Esme made it for her last time she was here and she liked it. So, of course we had to make it again." Rosalie said.

"Well, I do like Italian."

Esme walked back over to her spot with a smile. It was nice seeing her in her element like this. Doing anything motherly always put a smile on her face.

Rosalie put the salad bowl down and walked over to Alice and me. Alice went over and placed a small kiss on her cheek. Rosalie finally looked something other than annoyed.

"Lighten up, Rose, you're gonna ruin the mood if you keep that up." Alice told her.

I smiled at the cute interaction. They were an unlikely pair, but they balanced each other out so well. Alice wrapped her hand around Rosalie's arm and turned back to me.

"Let's go somewhere a little more private. We have something to asked you."

I felt a bit of anxiety fester in my chest when they said that. I didn't know what they wanted to asked me and it was making me nervous. I followed them out of the room regardless. Rejecting them felt impossible.

Alice led us into a sitting room. It was mostly empty besides the piano, a love seat, and a small, circular table. Alice sat down at the table with Rosalie to her left. I joined them after I'd gotten a good look at the room.

"So, vampires have this thing called a mate."

"You might know it better by the word soulmate." Rose said.

"Basically, it's a person who we love more than anyone else. They're bound to us through the mate pull. The mate pull happens when we see our mate for the first time. It started as an ache in the chest and makes it impossible for us to leave. It can be physically painful to leave our mates behind."

"So, that's why you and Rosalie both came to Phoenix?"

"Yes, being in two separate states would have been difficult." Rose answered.

I nodded my head, trying to understand more before I freaked out about it. It seemed like an annoyance, honestly. I couldn't imagine being forced into loving a person to the point of it causing pain.

"Is that all?" I asked after a silent pause.

"Well... No" Alice hesitated.

"I'm going to rip off the bandage. In rare cases, vampires can have more than one mate. Onyx, you're our mate."

"What," the word slipped out before I'd even finished processing the sentence.

I sat in a stunned silence for a moment. There's no way this is happening. How could it even- it's not- I...

"It's alright. Me and Rose don't expect you to accept it. We'll be here if and when you do, though. We just needed to tell you sooner than later. But we have something to ask you other this."

"A- alright." I said with another spasm of anxiety clawing at my chest.

"Will you go to prom with us?" Rosalie asked.


"Of course. It's an important part of any teenager's life. Plus, you're a senior, this will be your last chance." Alice confirmed.

The anxiety seemed to disperse after it set in. I had no idea why I was so anxious in the first place. I liked the idea of being with them. I liked the idea of going to prom with them. It was true that it would be my last chance, or living chance I suppose.

My last living chance? What's gotten into me? I couldn't be thinking about becoming one of them could I? That's ridiculous.

"I suppose going to prom with you two wouldn't be so bad." I let out a breathy laugh.

"Is that a yes?" Rose asked.

I nodded. A smile instantly graced their faces. Alice jumped up and wrapped her arms around me.

"She said yes!" Alice squealed.

"I heard."

Rosalie got up and walked to Alice's side. Alice wrapped their arms together like before. They were so cute.

I was about to get up I saw Alice look to somewhere else. I turned around and saw Jasper in the doorway. He looked smug about something. I shrugged it off, feeling my stomach rumble.

"Oh, I almost forgot to let you eat. Hope the food isn't cold." Alice said.

I got up as the two pulled my arms. They were leading me back to the kitchen before I could object. Jasper wondered off somewhere in the process.

The kitchen was empty upon arrival, but a plate of food was on the table. I sat down and ate before the two could interject. Surprisingly, the food was warm and tasted fresh.

A/n- idk. I'm in a bit of a rough spot with my writer's block rn. I'm gonna try and post every Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday starting now. I'm sorry ahead of time if I fumble it. I'm already struggling to finish these last bits of the first movie.

Within the next few chapter I'm gonna change it to the next movie and add in some details. I'll probably go into Narumi's character development more and add some things that aren't in the show.

Word count- 1164

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