21) My Rose

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☆ She would have swallowed the Sun ☆
☆ to make you warm ☆
☆ She was nothing but love. ☆

✿✧ Chapter Twenty-One ✧✿

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✿✧ Chapter Twenty-One ✧✿

A/n- sorry about how late and short this is. I'm struggling to not discontinue it. Now that I've passed school for this year I should be able to write more. School really sucks the motivation from me.

It was felt like hours and mere seconds at the same time. Bella was awake by sunrise. Alice agreed to stay until Bella and Charlie left. It would only be an hour or so. Then I'd be able to shower and change.

As soon as I heard them both leave, I was up and taking advantage of the house. Alice waited in the bedroom without a word. The shower felt nice, hot against my frigid skin. When I got out, I put on the clothes Alice had laid out for me.

"Onyx, Rose will be here soon. Are you ready?"

"I'm more than ready. Feels like it's been ages since I saw her last."

Alice giggled and wrapped an arm around my waist. We walked down to the living room to wait out the rest of Rosalie's journey. Alice was almost as impatient as I was. I kept my arms around her as we lay on the couch. I feared she'd start pacing if I didn't.

We were alerted of Rose's arrival by the hum of her car. Alice perked up as the car stopped in the driveway. We rushed to the door in an instant. Alice had the door open before I could even reach for it.

Rose was a sight to behold. From the look of it, she had dressed up for the occasion. She wore red lipstick that matched the red of her dress. A black coat was tied around Her waist and her hair was wavey, flowing over her shoulders. If I still had a heartbeat, it would be erratic. (I really like the color red and this was just my first thought)

"Alice, Onyx!" Rose excitedly greeted as she closed her car door.

Rose used her inhuman speed to quickly wrap us in a hug. She breathed a deep, unnecessary breath. When she pulled away, her eyes lingered on me, studying my every feature. I suddenly felt a bit insecure.

"Wow..." Rosalie muttered

"I think she means you look great." Alice told me.

Rosalie smiled and gave a small nod. Her and Alice exchanged glances like silent communication.

"Thanks, but coming from you- You look stunning." I rambled.

Rose smiled down at me like and her hand came to rest on my shoulder. Her thumb rubbed across the skin and gave me butterflies.

"Let's go inside before someone sees us." Alice suggested.

We were back in the living room after that. Alice sat on one side of Rosalie and me on the other. She instinctively reached out to cuddle her. I couldn't help but be in awe of how cute they were when cuddling.

"We should make a plan, now that your a vampire and all." Rosalie started.

I nodded as I looked down. I had an odd feeling of shame. Not only was I turned, but I hadn't even managed to avoid human blood. Seeing as one of my mates hasn't even tasted a drop of it before, will she be upset?

"Hey, it'll be alright. We'll figure this out together." I heard Alice say as she senced my mood dull.

"Ya. I'm just a bit nervous, that's all."

"We could make you look human and tell everyone you ran away because you felt overwhelmed or something." Rose suggested.

"No. There's no way if abandon my family out of the blue. Bella wouldn't believe it."

"What if we tell Bella the truth then. We don't have to tell anyone else. And then you could just disguise yourself when you leave the house or are around Charlie." Alice tried.

"That would be a hastle, living with someone I have to hid it from. Maybe I could get an apartment or something. Then I'll only have to visit every so often."

"I suppose that could work, but I'd like to suggest that you come live with us instead. It would make send if you were in a relationship with us." Rosalie proposed.

I looked into her eyes and saw desperation in her expression. I saw the same in Alice. They had already been apart from me for far too long. Maybe it would be a good decision.

"In the Cullen house?"

"Yes, unless you don't want that."

"No, I do. I'm just not sure if it would seem to soon after your- our unexpected arrivals."

"How about we tell them that you found us and we got back together. Then it won't seem as weird. Of course Bella would know that's a lie after what I said, so we'd have to be honest, but Charlie would likely believe it." Alice confidently answered.

"That could work," I nodded.

"Great, now enough talking. I'd much prefer to hold you both."

Rosalie shifted to allow me to cuddle them. I accepted, moving closer and burying my head in the crook of her neck. I could smell her perfume, soft scented despite her harshness with others.

A/n- I was at a loss of ideas so deal with it I guess. I don't know. I forgot what was supposed to happen after those last few chapters. I forgot the ideas I had for it.

Word count- 913

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