7) dark Alleys

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☆ Show me you thorns ☆
☆ and I will show you hands ☆
☆ prepared to bleed ☆

☆ Show me you thorns ☆ ☆ and I will show you hands ☆ ☆ prepared to bleed ☆

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✿✧ Chapter Seven ✧✿

Trigger warning for this one. This has attempted gang rape and talks about Rosalie's rape as well. It also has murder so a bit of gore ig.

A week passed like normal, besides Edward's absence. That didn't bother me much, considering we didn't like each other. Me and him never really talked. The most we said was hello and goodbye.

When he showed up again, I yelled at him until he promised to apologize and be nicer to Bella. Thankfully he did more than just that. He also stopped a van from crushing her. Which I watched from next to the Cullen. I also saw him get to her with speed that no human could possess.

After meeting up with Jacob, he told me about the Quileute legends. I spent the next week researching the legends. It was a normal thing for me to do because of my passion for folklore.

While googling it, I realized it would be easier to just buy the book. I looked up the location and wrote it down. I drove there on a Saturday and picked it up by time I got out of the store it was dark out.

I walked down an alley after seeing some creepy guys walking up to me. Once I'd gotten to the other side I saw two more guys. I tried to walk past them but they blocked me and the other two came up behind me. I panicked as the started shoving me around.

My mind went back to what happened to Rosalie. I had tried not to think about it but u couldn't help it. That's what was about to happen to me. I'm a weak teenage girl, I can't stop it from happening.

One guy ripped off my jacke as two of them held me. They were keeping me from fighting. I screamed for them to stop but it just made them laugh. One of the men tried to take off my shirt but I bit him as hard as I could.

"Whatever, what's down here is more important." he said tugging at my pants.

Just as he got my pants unbuttoned, I heard a car pull up. They had been driving fast and slammed on the brakes when they got here. The door opened fast and Rosalie strapped out.

"Get you hands off of her!" she demanded, almost like a growl.

The men just laughed and one tried to grab at her. When his hand touched her, I heard a snap. His arm had been snapped by her. I couldn't figure out why she had enough strength to break his arm like that.

Within seconds the four men were dead. I just stood there cover in blood, Rosalie's dark eyes watching me. She was also covered in blood but she didn't seem to care. She walked towards me with worry all over her face.

"Are you alright?"she asked with a much lighter voice than I'd ever heard from her.

"You- you just... You killed them!" I said with disbelief.

She looked around at their bodies like it was reasonable. I just stared at her, wide eyed and jaw dropped. I was scared of her, but also enamored. I felt like a psycho for being attracted to her right now.

"Can I... Are you okay with being touched right now?"

I nodded and she wrapped her arms around me. Before I could stop it, I was sobbing into her shoulder. The thought of that happening to me made me feel dirty. I wanted to wash them off of me.

"I need to shower" I said through my sobs.

"Alright. I'll take you to my house so Charlie doesn't worry."

I nodded and pulled myself from her arms. I grabbed my bag and jacket off the ground and got in her car. She drove to her house going pretty fast, but probably slower than her usual.

When we got there I was crying again. I couldn't stop crying and it made me cry more. Rosalie walked around the car and scooped me out of the seat. I wrapped my arms around her neck, legs around her waist. She carried me inside and up the stairs. I couldn't tell if she was running really fast or if I was just delusional.

She opened the door to a room and brought me inside. Once she had locked the door she set me on the bed. She wiped the tears off my cheeks and planted a small kiss on my forehead.

"It's alright, you're safe here. I'll never let a man lay his hands on you, or a woman for that matter."

Rosalie let me shower after reassuring me. I felt a lot better afterwards. When I got out of the bath, I changed into some of her clothes. I left the bathroom to see her waiting for me. She'd cleaned the blood off and changed her clothes. She was sitting on the bed with an angsty look.

"Can you... I want to be held. If you don't want to I could ask Alice or someone else." I said looking at the floor.

I felt her arms wrap around me in seconds. She picked me up and carried me to the bed, where we cuddled until I feel asleep.

A/n- I really like the idea that this event made Rosalie admit to the mate bond. And I like the idea that she gets super protective of her after this happens. I also love the fact that Onyx ignored Rosalie murdering four guys and all the inhuman things. She even feels comfortable cuddling her after she killed in front of her. But I'll make her think further on that night later and realize some things. I really went on a writing spree tonight. I'm at a little over 5000 words.

Word count- 991

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