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Author's Pov

When did I ever say I love you?

A weak and powerless boy like you can only be a plaything.

A melodious laugh filled with mock echoed in his ear followed by a pained shrill making the sturdy man unlatched his light grey eyes lazily letting it fall over the screaming man. His usual blank gaze got fixated over the bloodied man who was on the verge of losing his life, he blinked a few times clearing his mind from the memories that had vowed to never let him have a moment of peace.

"PLEASE I DON'T KNO-- AHHHHH!" Once again ear piercing shriek escaped his lips crossing the patience of the ruthless man.

Swiftly grabbing the gun from his lap he shot dead the crying man ending his misery after painful five days. His men looked over to him in surprise, the man wasn't supposed to die this early. They needed to get some information from him and their boss never acted this impulsive before and indeed his action wasn't only based on his irritation instead.

"He didn't know anything otherwise he would have spit out till now." Clearing their uncertainties the man's hoarse voice echoed in their ears making them bow down their heads.

Standing up from the worn out chair he exited the basement, no one dared to even question him. Reaching his room he placed the gun on the side table before stripping off his clothes, getting inside the cold shower he let the water torment his warm body gaining no reaction from him in return.

Palming the glass wall he again closed his eyes letting the memories captivate his senses in a way only torture could define it. People might want to forget the worst phase of their lives but this cruel veteran wants to live in those painful memories, they gave him power, the reminder of his past was the only way that made him stay stuck to what he was today. A ruthless mafia king.

Ace Sullivan.

Once an innocent boy with many dreams reserved in his heart had turned into a menacing beast who didn't know the meaning of mercy. And he was proud of what he had become, he has worked hard for what he was today and seems like the time to satiate the fire in his heart had come.

The fire igniting the edges of his patience, the patience he held for the last fucking 10 years! He had almost accomplished everything he had ever wished for, he had many people in the list underlined with red line. He had already punished a few but the main culprits of his pain were still free from his grasp.

This ruthless beast couldn't wait to hold them in his fist until they will be crushed. He would love to bury their ashes when he would be done.

Unfolding his sharp grimace eyes he gritted his teeth before the sides of his lips tilted up into a lopsided smirk, he had waited for so long for this time, he couldn't wait to see those light blue ocean eyes again. Closing the tap of the shower he narrowed his eyes still keeping the smirk intact on his lips.

10 years! Fucking 10 years he has waited for this time, the madness, vengeance and rage trapped in his heart needed to be given a soothing hand now. He wasn't the same 18 years old innocent boy who was easy to be fooled, he has changed. And into a worst kind. The moment he will make his reappearance they will face his wrath after all till now he had been showing his utmost mercy on them.

Wrapping the towel around his waist he got out of the bathroom and the first thing his eyes caught was the file he asked his man to bring to him placed on the table, grabbing it the first page was enough to make him smirk in satisfaction. Seems like his plan has been working well, seeing that family on their begging end was a sight worth for sore eyes.

Chuckling dryly in amusement he threw the file back on the table clasping his cigarette packet, walking to the balcony he let the cold wind hit his freshly showered frame but his heart and soul were colder to feel the chilly attack of weather. Lighting up the cigarette he let the smoke burn his lungs puffing it out time to time.

"Presto il mio veleno, presto." He whispered darkly letting his deep voice get lost in the chilly wind, gazing at the foggy forest holding many wicked plans in his empty eyes for her he nodded his head letting the usual darkness overpower his mind. (Soon my venom, soon.)

Ace Sullivan after becoming Cyrus Sylvester's successor took upon the title of a killing machine, he might not speak much but his weapon does a lot. Ace was the first mafia boss who wasn't blood related to Sylvester family. It was expected that the men in the gang wouldn't accept him easily but the young boy proved them that no one other than him was more deserving of the place that once belonged to Cyrus Sylvester.

After the Russians accepted the alliance with Ace Sullivan he was given the brooch that was the sign of him being the mafia boss. And the oldest members of his gang indeed accepted the fact that somehow Cyrus was better than Ace in terms of dealing with his enemies, at least he was a bit compassionate with his allies but Ace was a different case.

Ace's cunning mind and short temper sometimes proved to be hazardous not only for the enemies but also his alliances, it wasn't long ago when Ace had killed spain's mafia king who tried to attack the russians and took over the country. Even Cyrus had many enemies who used to attack him but Ace was a different case not even a single enemy of his had guts to attack him. Even though in his initial days he was attacked by many other gangs but each of them met with ruthless end.

Ace had his one favorite way of torturing his preys. He skins them alive. And the fact he smiles while peeling his victims skin off was something insane about him. Psycho was a small word to describe his personality, he was beyond psychotic, insane and mad.

His fear indulged in people's heart was to the extent that not even women ever dared to look in his way trying to seduce him was a far thing. The depth of his dread can be delivered with the fact that not even one woman was alive who actually wanted to be associated with a man like him. His insane and treacherous ways were too popular to be ignored. No woman had a strength to be destroyed by the hands of such noxious man.

After getting himself ready he wore a mask over his face and let the driver drove him to his everyday usual place. His workers had no idea why their merciless boss visited this place for many years but they knew it was related to that one woman there. They had seen him gawking at her with his intense gaze but never did he approach her.

They had no idea what was stopping him? He was extremely handsome with perfect body and status, there was so secret that if he did approach her she might say yes right away. But he never did, there was something their boss was planning and they knew it wouldn't be good for that woman. Especially at the way his eyes were not of any lover but someone who would love to break her, mend her and again break her. His eyes held the intensity of the emotions they had never witnessed in his eyes before.

Walking inside the familiar cafe he took the seat in the corner letting his hawk eyes settle on the fragile woman who was busy playing with the keys of piano. As expected she could never go wrong with her speciality. Suddenly a twisted idea stroked his head and he did act upon it, and a twisted smirk erupted his lips hidden under the mask.

Motioning his man he ordered him to get the pianist play a certain song and the man obediently conveyed his order to the manager. His lips curved up into a small smirk watching her looking bothered and disturbed at the request of the song, so she hadn't forgotten about him as he actually expected her to.

Good! She should be disturbed, bothered and trampled away with nothing but pain remembering everything related to him. He wouldn't let her run away from the memories they both shared. Those memories caused by her cruelty and followed by his destruction. His pain has ended and her ruination will start now, the suffering she has felt in the past few years was nothing for him.

This time her tears will be granted by him, he will watch her wither away but at the same time he will again blossom her up, he will kill her yet wouldn't let her die ever. He will break her yet wouldn't let her pieces be lost. She will suffer the torture she once granted him but he wouldn't let her go.

After all she was the vengeance he was deeply intoxicated by.


Next will be updated soon. Keep on liking and commenting.

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Till the next adios

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