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Aurora's wide blue eyes stared in utter astonishment at the rugged man cladded in a scary black suit, his once soft gaze was cold as ice, his stare would have scared the shit out of her if she wasn't dive into the well of shock. For years! She had dreamt, wished and died each second to witness these eyes again and when he was finally here standing in front of her she couldn't accept it.

This reality was too hallucinating to be true, she finally let her teary eyes blink when he stepped near her, crossing her frozen frame he entered the house leaving the rock solid petite woman behind giving her no chance to relish the moment of him coming in front of her alive. The second he passed her, she closed her eyes shaking her head when the familiar scent invaded her nostrils. This same crisp strong mint scent he always wore finally forced her to accept that he was real. She wasn't dreaming.

Her body startled when she heard a loud shrill of her father, running inside she found her father gaping at the tall muscular man standing still and straight facing the old man. Alvin felt like he was facing a ghost right now, and even after blinking multiple times, trying to pinch himself to reality he didn't disappear. Ace Clifford, the young man he watched dying in front of his eyes! It was impossible!

"A-Ace," He whispered finally making the cold man look at him with poker face. The intensity of his stare resulted in Alvin to flinch, it wasn't just a malicious glare it was more more than that but indeed it was murderous.

The old man couldn't keep the contact as his daughter started stepping near the tall man in daze. Even Ace's attention was diverted towards the stumbling woman who had deep tears in her eyes ready to be freed from her once bright eyes. His men tried to block her way but one glance from Ace, they stilled on their feet. Aurora with her shaking steps neared the burly guy getting no reaction from him.

Halting only a few inches away from him she looked up in his unblinking dark grey eyes with her teary blue ones, she raised her shivering hand to touch his cheek to ensure her disbelieving nerves that he indeed was real. The moment her cold fingers brushed against his beard jaw she gasped out freeing her stuffed tears not wearing any kind of facade in front of him for the very first time.

"Ace," She whispered palming his cheek blinking her eyes in daze, her eyes screamed the joy she felt in her heart, but his blank eyes and patched lips were now scaring her, she was desperate to hear her name from those lips again. The voice she missed so damn much!

"Please say something." She pleaded stepping near him. She forgot everything around her, the men surrounding them, the purpose he was here and her father who was still fighting the battle with his mind to accept that the man who died in front of him was alive.

"Remove," His lips parted letting her hear his voice after ten years but it wasn't how her Ace used to speak. The sweet, and soft voice of his had turned into deep, husky and dangerous ones.

She flinched when he grabbed her wrist removing her hand from his cheek, "Your filthy hand from my face!" He completed his sentence roughly jerking her fragile body away not caring if the force was too much for her. She yelped falling on the floor cradling her wrist in pain.

Her blurry gaze snapped up to his as he skillfully ignored her like he didn't know who she was anymore successfully ripping her heart out with his vicious words. Ace removed his ankle length coat handing it to Simon who grabbed it carefully hanging it near the exit door before coming back to accompany his boss.

"Alvin Clifford, long time no see uncle," His calm and steady tone instead of relaxing the old man drilled a new fear in him. He was used to seeing this young man at his feet either begging or taking his punishments but he had changed, so much that Alvin couldn't even recognise him at first glance.

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