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Author's Pov

Both the father and daughter's faces paled when Ace pulled the dagger out gazing at them with his sinister eyes, he looked nowhere the young innocent man who danced on their tunes years ago. He had turned into way more dangerous and ruthless than they could ever imagine him to be, his cold eyes, blank face and the fire of resentment all over his face almost made them run for hills.

Before Aurora could comprehend anything her arm was grabbed into a bruising grip as Ace yanked her up. Alvin cried out for his daughter but one gesture from Ace, his men held the wailing old man down. Ace watched once proud and arrogant runt crying and begging for his daughter's well being, it was a sight to behold and Ace loved every bit of it.

Aurora clawed at his fingers to get rid of the scorching pain she felt because of his grip, but her struggle didn't even move the burly man an inch, he steadily turned his fiery cloudy eyes to her watery ocean ones freezing her with his one intense glare. She gulped trying to step away from the herculean but his strength empowered her forcing her to submit to him and stay silent.

Soon enough when she stopped struggling and dropped her head down silently crying for her father, Ace turned his face towards the struggling old man. Ace had to admit even after stripping him off his status, making him fall from grace and snatching every ounce of his pride and ego, he still hadn't given up. Not completely.

"Sign." He commanded keeping his calm tone at bay, Alvin looked up with his red infuriated gaze shaking his head. Ace watched the obstinate man with amused eyes, even though his face was completely blank but he indeed was enjoying every bit of the situation right now.

"I am going to love breaking you, uncle." He mumbled startling the petite girl in his arms, the viciousness hidden in his tone, the malicious intentions of his and the way he looked so intrigued to break the tiny bit spirit that had left in her father had stunned her.

Her Ace wasn't like that, he never found pleasure in other's pain. But the man holding her looked beyond rejoiced at the pathetic situation of her father, she knew whatever he was planning would be beyond treacherous, she again tried to twist her arm from his grip unconsciously gaining the attention of the menacing monster.

Gazing deeply in her eyes he suddenly let her go making her stumble a step away from him, she had no idea what he was planning but the moment he released her she wanted to approach her father, she needed to aid his injury. The rapid flow of his blood coating the floor felt like a painful sight for her, no matter how much she had to accept that whatever Ace was doing, she couldn't blame him but in the end that man was still her father.

Before she could step towards her father her way was blocked by a tall giant who unblinkingly made his way towards her, her trembling frame stepped back. The more she was trying to create the distance between them, the faster his long strides were reducing them, her already hitched breathing accelerated to an uncontrollable pace watching him stepping near her like a predator.

"AH!" She screamed in horror when he roughly wrapped his large palm over her throat and smashed her back against the small dining table, the candle stand placed at the middle of the table fell on the floor with a loud thud just like the hope that crashed in her heart.

Her wide sky hued eyes connected with his narrowed cloudy ones as he leaned his face impossibly closer to her invading her personal space, her fragile body was completely restrained by his monstrous ones keeping her glued on the table. She winced when he increased his grip over her throat almost cutting her breathing.

"ACE LET HER GO PLEASE!" Alvin begged thrashing in the bulky men's hold but to no avail. He wasn't familiar with this new Ace Sullivan anymore, the man who could go to any length to get what he wanted.

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