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Laying on a cold floor with chain restraining her left arm brought more tears out of her already swollen eyes, she didn't even try to tug at the razor knowing very well that if she moved even a bit from her spot the sharp edges will pierce through her skin. All she could was cradle her bandaged stomach and stare at nothing.

The moment she opened her eyes she found herself prisoned in a small room resembling a abandoned basement, her wounded stomach was indeed treated but whoever band-aid her didn't even care to change her ripped clothes, the shirt she was wearing was shredded from her stomach so her injury could be on display.

She still felt a burning pain all over her body, her usually warm skin was a proof of her suffering from a fever but her terrible condition pointed out the brutality of the man who once was her angel. She didn't want to raise any delusional in her mind anymore, he had changed, he had turned a monster and there was no one to be blamed but her and her father!

Her body flinched as her tired bloodshot eyes followed the heavy steps the man took to reach her curled up figure, she didn't dare to look at him, she was scared, petrified and dumbfounded after he without any hesitation stabbed her. The man who used to be sick worried about tiny scratch on her had left a deep wound on her, the injury will soon leave a unforgettable scar.

"Enjoying your stay," His familiar voice with an addition of huskiness entered her ears making her clutch her skirt with her other hand.

"Look up!" She flinched at his low growl which was anything but a request, she shut her eyes in fear when he roughly grabbed her jaw yanking her face up.

She squeezed out more tears letting her hitched breathing accelerated, his finger tips dug deeper in her flesh as he leaned his face closer to hers, his calm warm breath attacked her quivering lips before his thumb decided to trail up coming in contact with those dry lips. Her whole body jolted at the sudden contact and not wanting him to do anything unspeakable she snapped her eyes open finally submitting to his command.

Ace's poker face met her sight letting her reminiscing how keeping this same he had pushed that sharp dagger in her flawless flesh tainting it with the first mark of torture. His cold grey clouds met her wavered blue rainy ones almost letting him lost in them but he knew better to believe those crocodile tears of hers.

Her trembling body backed away watching her predator staring in her tear stained face, her lips quivered in fear keeping her shaking hand over her bandaged stomach, she shook her head at him wanting to find a tint of mercy in those cold eyes of his but nothing, this new version of Ace wasn't familiar with the word as in mercy.

"P-Please," She whispered letting out a loud gasp when he suddenly left her jaw and snapped his hand to her neck grabbing her throat roughly jerking her near him, his lips touched hers freezing her shaking body on the spot, those lips had been devoured by her many times but this once they felt unfamiliar, cold and extremely rugged.

"Don't worry il mio veleno, I wouldn't let you die, we will live together like we promised but the difference is, the once promised heaven would be a hell now!" He whispered against her lips making her let out a cracked cry feeling his fingers squeezing her throat.

il mio veleno.

Her heart cracked into pieces letting her mind accept the gravity of the sin she had committed years ago, once the man who never got tried of calling her il mio amore (My love) had named her as his poison. The inescapable venom that had been seeped in his veins for as long as he remembered being Ace Sullivan.

"A-Ace," She whispered raising her right hand to his shoulder but before it could touch him it was slammed against the wall behind her earning a loud shriek of pain from him.

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