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Author's Pov

"What is your problem Ace? Can't you be a bit sensible!" A young girl not more than 17 bottled up in a stunning shimmery dress snapped at the young man cladded in a simple hoodie and sweatpants. He gritted his teeth looking away from her watching her in pure silence as she vent out her anger on him even though it wasn't even his fault to begin with.

"Why did you beat that guy? Do you even have a slightest idea what dad will do to me now?" Ace scoffed standing tall and tough as he ignored the ache he felt on his lips because of the punch he got.

"As uncle should! You're just 17 Aurora! Why did you go to club? I am being 18 never touched alcohol, thinking about going to clubs is out of question then why did you?" Aurora smiled sarcastically at him.

"Yes because you're weak, you can't handle alcohol that's it but I can! You ruined everything, I was having fun but from no where you ---" Before she could continue Ace whispered in astonishment.

"Fun?" Just then Aurora realised what she did, she gulped looking at Ace who gritted his teeth.

"That man twice your age was all over you dancing like you're his and you said you were having a fun!" Ace muttered as he glared at her, the Ace she knew would never raise his voice at her but the hurt and disgust in his tone was evident and it angered yet somewhere deep in her made her feel guilty.

"That's not what I meant!" She tried to grab his hand but he jerked it away before taking a step back.

"Fine then go back and forget you ever had a boyfriend!" Aurora's eyes widened as she watched him walking away from her.

She didn't waste a second and lunged at him back hugging him like her life was depended on him, Ace didn't push her away like always and let her tighten her arms around him. She gulped letting this foreign feeling scrap her chest, but ignoring it she gave her all focus on apologizing to him and making him forgive her. Her friends were right, she really had to watch whenever she opened her mouth!

"I am sorry, Ace. You know you mean to me a lot, it's just I was angry. I didn't know someone was dancing with me maybe it was because of alcohol." Ace gently pushed her hands away before turning around and facing her finding tears in her eyes, his biggest weakness and her massive advantage when it comes to taming this guy.

"Don't cry, you know I don't like seeing tears in your eyes." She sniffled as he wiped her cheeks before gently enveloping her in his arms letting her press her cheek against chest allowing her to hear his unusually fast heartbeat.

"You're not mad right?" She mumbled hugging him tightly, he sighed wanting not to forgive her this easily but he couldn't help it.

"Yes I am not. Just don't ever go to club until you're at legal age, and if you really want to go then inform me first I will accompany you." Ace muttered trying to surpass his anger as he didn't want to sound like a controlling boyfriend but his protective words only made her roll her eyes but for some reason she didn't want to stop hugging him, it weirdly was comforting.

"Promise me," He mumbled kissing her head as she lazily nodded her head.

"I promise."

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