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Author's Pov

Aurora gulped feeling a weird sensation erupting her spine, this wasn't something new to her but she wasn't just getting used to it. For the past few years, she had felt like someone was constantly following her or watching her but whenever she tried to find the source of her discomfort her efforts always returned hopeless.

But she knew one thing, this feeling always started whenever she went to the cafe for her first job, but again shaking away her uncertainties she reminded herself that she had left nothing in her to allure anyone anymore to be her stalker. In past, all of her friends and the boys who hit on her or were behind her for either her money or her body.

Being 5'5 Aurora had an hourglass body which every girl would kill to have, her waist was slim but not to the extent of being called skinny. Her puffy cheeks, red lips and shiny blue eyes which resembled perfectly with ocean water could drive any man insane. Her once healthy brunette silky locks were the sign of her perfect princess life and at that time attracting men was no big deal to her.

But now she would laugh if anyone told her that they were interested in her, especially at how depressed she always looked. Even though her height remained the same but her once hourglass body was nowhere to be seen. Her waist had turned terribly slim to the extent of being called malnourished, and her fragile arms and legs were another story, she had noticed how only once her male colleague touched her arm and instantly left it fearing that he might break it at how skinny it felt in his hand.

Her once healthy hair had fallen so much that she was now ashamed of letting them down, even an old woman would have better hair than her now. Her chubby cheeks had turned extremely dainty but fortunately not enough to show her cheekbones, but indeed her jawline had turned sharper than before because of her extreme weight loss. Her dry slightly pink lips, dull eyes and pale face could never attract any men anymore.

And it wasn't like she wanted to, her heart was stuck on that one particular guy and no matter how many men might enter her life she would never be able to move on. Maybe dying in his memories was her fate and surprisingly this fact didn't bring any sorrow to her instead she felt a wave of happiness against her chest each time she thought of ending this misery.

She was living for her father, he was the only reason she hadn't lost the battle of her mind and heart otherwise only God knows she had nothing to live. She was surviving and she had to keep going, it was her punishment for what she did to him. And she knew it still wasn't enough, until she was alive she had to repent.

But only if she knew, her real repentance didn't even start yet.

"Aurora," She flinched coming out of her trance, turning towards the smiling guy, she returned his joyful grin with her small ones.

"Felix," She greeted her only co-worker and a friend. Well not really a friend but as they had been working together for almost 5 years now, Felix had put a stamp on their relationship as a friendship one and Aurora didn't really have the heart to say no to him, especially at how he had helped her so many times.

"Come on, why are you standing here alone? I have been waiting for you so long, I called you here not to stand but help me with the shopping. We didn't come to this shopping mall for you to stand alone, come!" As always Felix didn't touch her but motioned her to follow him.

Felix only once touched her and at that time Aurora told him she didn't like to be touched by anyone, so after that, the man respected her boundary and never made any move to come closer to her. Felix was already engaged and had a beautiful fiance who used to work with them, these two were the only people who actually approached Aurora and befriended her even though she tried her best to stay anonymous.

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