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Aurora held the urge to roll her eyes in annoyance after finding the concerned look in his eyes, he had been hot on her heels from the past month they were together. She had regretted listening to her friends many times already, she sometimes wished she didn't have the patience as the size of a bee so she wouldn't had taken this step in anger.

"What are you doing here?" Surpassing the need to tell him to get lost, she wore a blank face before trying to divert her mind, the young man danced his fingers in his messy hair before shooting a small smile in her way, even though it hurt the side of his lips.

Aurora's eyes subconsciously ran towards the small bruises plastered over his face, his forehead had a small purplish scar and a sharp painful cut over his lips, but it didn't surprise her. Ace had been getting trained from the time he was adopted by her father, he never regarded this young boy as his son, he was more of a liability and tool to enhance his underground business.

Aurora wasn't exactly familiar with what goes in the dark world, whenever she tried to question about that business of her father she was shut off by both Ace and Alvin with a simple statement that it would be better if she stayed away from such information. Ace had always shared everything that goes down in his life except for the business her father had thrown him in. She had gotten used to seeing his face always painted with several bruises and even though she didn't want to but everytime she felt an unwanted pang of worry for him.

"I thought you had a fight today?" Ace raised his hand leisurely tugging her opened hair behind her ear before answering her.

"Yes, I had but it ended earlier so I decided to not skip my last lecture." He explained pausing his calloused fingers against her soft cheek, Ace's hands were never soft, from the time she accepted his proposal whenever he touched her, she could only feel the hardness and roughness his flesh embraced but weirdly his touch always felt warm and caring.

"You tell me, what are you worried about?" As always he read her like an open book, she could never hide anything from him, one look of her eyes and he knew what she was feeling right now except for one emotion. He was never able to understand her annoyance or maybe he didn't want to understand it.

"Nothing much, just had an argument with my friends." Just like that Ace withdrew his hand staring down at her with a thoughtful scowl and she knew why?

Ace never liked her friends, he always regarded them as pretentious and fake. She thought that he might like Bree after meeting her as she was the only sweetest person who actually knew how to impress someone at the first meet but when Ace sat with them one day, he clearly expressed his annoyance at the woman's sickening sweet voice and overly nice behaviour.

He told her in clear words, how pretentious and a bitch Jade was, he even scowled deeply while describing Bree as a fake woman, he could sworn the way she kept on regarding herself as fragile woman who needed an immense protection from the evil around her. While max was another story, the dislike Ace felt for that guy was unexplainable. He simply told her to keep a distance from the guy, he seemed treacherous and untrusty.

The poor guy simply expressed what he felt after all his gut feeling never seemed ro fail him before but Aurora went all rampage on him, she hated being controlled and ordered around. She despised the way he insulted her friends, Jade and Max might only had 4 and 1 years old friendship with her but Bree and her were together for last 10 years. He had no right to rule her life just because he was her so called boyfriend and their relationship just started a month ago.

"If I say something again, it will only upset you so forget it." He mumbled shaking his head, he never liked her friends and refused to get involve with them after meeting them once, their overly nice behaviour made him nauseous, their acting was vomit worthy.

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