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Author's Pov

The cameras roared without skipping a single beat as the tall man got lost in the flashes, the moment he stepped out of the car, every camera was directed towards him. After all they were here specifically to capture him, even when this ceremony wasn't that important and the person who held it had been facing defeat in the business world from a long time but because of this particular lad they didn't think twice before fleeing to this place. The unknown yet the most anticipated personality of the several years, the man who became a descendant of once infamous monster.

Ace Sullivan.

Media, reporters, audience and even the famous names in the business world wanted to see who that current sensation was, the one who wasn't only ruling the business world but also defeated the wars that could occur between the countries he ruled and Russians, it was so surprising to know that he followed his previous boss' footsteps and conquered the unbelievable.

Ace had never liked limelight, he stayed back from it focusing on one purpose he had build the empire two fold more than what it was previously, people knew he was the ruthless bloodthirsty monster who was way cruelest and manipulative than Cyrus, his stories of killing anyone that had dared to come in between his goal and destiny, he wasn't a Saint, and no one had the audacity to actually approach him.

Within a second, the picture of his charming and well build frame went viral, Ace had never let a single picture of him out before, he had lost the count of the reporters he had to throw in the pit of poverty because of disobeying his command, Ace had made it clear to the world of journalists to never take a shot of him or try to sneak even the blurry one or he will be forced to sprung another need in their heart, a need to be suicidal which he did to many who decided to overlook his warning.

The media was stupefied with the information of Ace Sullivan attending this ceremony and also he had issued a new command stating that his pictures needed to be out tonight. He should be the trending topic, the most viral thing for this particular night and it didn't matter how many weeks or months this trend would go on, his pictures just needed to be out on every social media, newspaper or websites.

They had no idea why the cunning man who ruthlessly had forced many reporters in their own grave just because they decided to take some of his pictures and sneak them out of the social media now wanted them to actually do the same which he once warned to not. They didn't dwell on this query much, they knew the infamous venomous business man never did something without a reason, he must have a grave intention behind it.

The moment he entered the hall, silence fell in the vast space, the tall well build rugged man cladded in a full black suit almost made the women gasp in surprise, he looked no less than a Greek God, he wore a high neck black shirt which covered his whole neck followed by his signature long coat, some of the partners of Ace found his dressing style unique yet too predictable now. He never wore short dressed coats, instead because of him only many of his partners and workers actually copied him, styling the dressed shirt with long coats.

His sharp eyes followed the crowd finding the smiling old man who finally found the courage to approach him, his empty steely eyes shot his famous emotionless stare to the grey haired man keeping his lips lined thinly, his hands as usual were covered with black gloves followed by his feet which were caged inside the ankle length boots. Ace was indeed a weird man, but no one could fight how intimidating his aura was, no matter how cruel and dangerous Cyrus Sylvester was, his choice of giving his seat to Ace proved to be the best, he indeed was ten fold more vicious than what Cyrus was.

They indeed sometimes kind of wished Cyrus hadn't left the world in Ace's hands, at least with Cyrus they could openly talk about the important projects and give their opinions and it wasn't like Ace discarded their views, they just didn't have the courage to approach the man, his murderous aura, emotionless dead eyes and a slight frown which never disappear from his forehead didn't help their fear.

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