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"Max let me go!" Aurora sneered keeping her voice low as she didn't want to gather any attention, she couldn't anyone to see her with Max, at least not today. She tried to pull her wrist from the sturdy young man who roughly ranked her in front of him making her stumble back, she almost fell on the floor if it wasn't for the pillar which she held for the support.

"What the fuck was that?" He growled not caring if anyone would hear him practically yelling on her, Aurora cradled her hurting wrist before looking at him nervous gaze, she understood why he was so angry, and surprisingly she had no idea why she even defied him even though she had never refused him anything before.

"You said you will break his heart today! But now you're saying you need more time!" He seethed taking a step closer to her, the anger was clearly evident over his face like he wanted to kill her! Aurora's breathing accelerated in fear, she had never seen Max this crazily mad before.

"Max, this is my 18th birthday, it's really important for me. I don't want to ruin it by creating unreasonable drama, please just understand my situation," She paused watching him carefully, just when she knew he didn't look as mad as before she continued her words.

"He's my father's important man, he had taken all the responsibility of his underground business, just because of this bet I can't let my dad suffer. I already said I will tell him everything after a week, we have waited two months, can't you wait for a week more? Just for me." She used her sugar honey voice which always worked on the boys, his hard expressions finally loosened and taking the chance Aurora walked near him, she hesitantly raised her unbruised hand and palmed his cheek making the man look at him.

"Just a week," He mumbled bringing a wave of relief to her heart, she sighed nodding her head conveying a positive answer in his way. Max didn't waste a second and wrapped his arms around her pulling her deeper in his embrace.

Aurora also placed her head against his shoulder letting his scent mixed with alcohol and cigarette smoke invade her nostrils which instantly disgusted her, she hated cigarette scent the most but not wanting to push him away she let him hug her to his heart's content until his anger completely faded away. Suddenly while still being in his arms she couldn't help but think about that mint scent mixed with patchouli fragrance, she knew she shouldn't be thinking about him when she was engulfed by her real boyfriend but she just couldn't help it.

Ace held all the tendencies that Max lacked, he was well-mannered, sophisticated and somehow she didn't want to admit it but he also was way more loving and caring than Max. She gulped pushing her body away from him, her eyes raised to frowning man, Max wasn't used to her breaking away from him first, she always stick to him like a koala, but something in her eyes was different.

"Let's go in, everyone is waiting." Hastily pushing him away with a tight smile she made her way inside only for his hawk glaring eyes to follow her disappearing body.

After the party ended, Aurora said goodbye to her friends, even though Bree wanted to stay with her complaining that she wanted to spend more time with her but Aurora's mind was messed up, she wanted sometime alone for herself to gather her scattered thoughts. She couldn't belive that she actually stepped back from her words to break Ace's heart today, she had made her mind in the morning to go on with the plan but the thought of hurting that man snatched her ability to be heartless with him.

Why did it matter to her if he would be hurt and in pain by her confession of him being a mere bet? It shouldn't matter, she knew she should have never felt any kind of fear with the thought of hurting him. He was no one to her! He was a filthy dog her father had raised just for his dirty business. Why did it matter to her if her actions will break him?

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