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Two weeks!

Aurora glared at her reflection in the mirror with mixed emotions, she was angry yet the despair dancing in her swollen bloodshot eyes was a proof of the sleepless night's she had spent, two fucking weeks! She had tried her best to get rid of his memories yet she couldn't! He was all she could think, him, her bet, her ruination and her salvation.

Ace Clifford.

His name rang in her mind once again bringing more tears out of her eyes, this was what she had been doing for the last two weeks, after that painful night when she woke up again, it was already past two days after that night, her father told her the severe fever her tiny body caught and she stayed unconscious leaving him sick worried.

Just when she opened her eyes, her lips took his name grimacing her father, he was enraged even the slightest mention of that bastard's name but to soothe the burning rod laying over her chest, she knew she needed to ask her father a question. The question that didn't let her sleep that night, the query that had been dangling against her throat contracted the ways she could breathe.

"I-Is he alright?" She whispered holding her father's sleeve, he so wanted to lash out on her for her unnecessary concern for that dirty blood who dared to harass her! But seeing how weak and desperate she looked he didn't want to add to her misery, so he decided to answer her with calm voice yet the resentment he felt for Ace didn't hide.

"I am sure he is, now stopping worrying about him! I have thrown him out of the house and cut off every connection or relation I had with him! Focus on your health, it's more important." Aurora stared at her father with skeptical gaze, she hesitantly let his sleeve go even though she found it hard to trust his words especially as she knew how wordlessly dangerous he could be with the people who had ever even eyed in her way.

Even though she relaxed her nerves after her father's confirmation but she couldn't halt the cycling of his memories in her mind, he was all she was could think, see and desire. He was there when she spent her time in the garden, he was there sitting right beside her in the cloudy night of the backyard, he was there leaning his head against her shoulder when she played his favorite piano tune, and the man didn't even leave her dreams, he ruled them smiling, kissing, and hugging her with all the affection in the world.

She thought after she will reveal everything to him, she will be able to get over him, it was just the momentarily attraction, a stupid young crush which she will move on from after getting rid of him and his overly affectionate behaviour, but she couldn't instead she didn't want to accept this fact but she missed him. She missed everything about him, his touch, those not so soft yet delectable lips, his calloused hands holding her tenderly, she missed even the tiniest smiles he had thrown in her way.

More tears escaped her eyes when she realized the truth of her own denying feelings, it wasn't a crush, it wasn't an attraction, it was nothing but Love. She had started loving the man she pushed away with her own stupidity, this bitter realization had drawn over her in a way that it left nothing but misery on her. Last night she held the beautiful yet that meaningful bracelet he gifted and cried, all she could do was to cuddle it and cry her heart out.

She kept on cursing herself all night remembering what she had to him! Maybe betting on him wasn't bad but what she had done afterwards was the worst! She tortured the poor guy in those 2 months in order to avoid what she had actually started feeling for him, she left him on his knees, she watched him getting beaten up for the crimes he didn't even commit, she took part in the skit Max prepared for him, and then his cracked voice echoed in her mind.

They will kill me.

You really don't care that your one lie will cause my death?

"No! I care! I care!" She cried pushing the bracelet against her chest like she was trying to feel Ace in her arms, she wanted him! She wanted to do anything in order to find that same peace and solace she always felt in his embrace.

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