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Author's Pov

Pulling the black neck length shirt off his body, Ace let the horrifying reminder of his past dance before him, the reflection attacked him like the insane part of his mind that had been covering his sanity from the time he understood the cruelty of the world. His deep empty silver eyes roamed all over the marks that embraced him like a detachable lover.

Scars. His whole chest was filled with different kind of terrorising scars, the whipping wound, cut marks and God knows what kind of injuries that had blackened because of them being the years old. His calloused fingers gently graced the rough flesh of his as he smoothly ran them until it touched the tattoo covering his left shoulder, the tattoo ran through his neck as well slightly covering it but the main source of his vengeance and hatred was on display.

His index finger covered the sharp straight scar around his neck near collarbone darkening his gaze, he narrowed his eyes letting his unblinking lost gaze get stuck over it. He loved the fire this scar burn higher whenever his finger touched it, he adored the fact the venom that touch his veins at each stroke of his fingers, and he definitely preferred the power it surged in him to fasten the pace of his revenge and make everyone pay for destroying the once innocent boy in him, who would never come back.

Ace wasn't avenging himself, he was icing down the fire his young self had been burning for years, the man he was right now didn't care going all to such limits only to punish the assholes of his past but his young self deserved the redemption, that innocent boy deserved to get revenge on all the bastards that had used him, ruined him and wronged him in every way possible.

Stepping undrr the cold water he let the water numb his warm body, the water couldn't match the coldness the monster held in him as it wasn't able to numb him like it did to others. Finally after letting the ice water torment his body turning it white hued he switched off the shower before draping his black robe over his body letting his wet hair cover the forehead and slightly brush against his eyes.

Stepping inside the silent room he let out a soft sigh before the towel in his hand paused rubbing his wet hair after his gleaming silver eyes met the sleeping form the woman he hated yet couldn't let go at the same time. After the doctor checked her, Ace was specified regarding a few concerns about her health.

She was malnourished, extremely weak, and distressed. The doctor even though looked troubled and scared of him, she still told him about Aurora's condition thoroughly and advised him to let her have a proper meal. She needed nutrition otherwise it could ruin her body health further, the doctor also suggested to let her have as less problems and mental distress as he could, otherwise it would impact her terribly.

Walking near the woman he named as his venom who was laid motionlessly on his king sized bed, Ace towered over her tilting his head a bit so he could have a proper look of her a pale face. Nothing was hidden from him, he had seen her losing weight, losing her mental peace and losing herself, her once perfect body and chubby cheeks had sullen in a way no one could possibly recognize this beauty of past now.

He was about to turn away from her when suddenly a small whimper escaped her lips making him look back at her with his usual calm cold face, gulping down his uncertainties he pushed back his demons who were way more eager in hurting than to have one calm moment with her. Steadily he took a seat on the bed sitting beside her letting his eyes inspect her with keen interest.

He raised his hand to touch her cheek when suddenly her eyes steadily blinked open, he retreated his hand right away thinking that she might had woken up but then his eyes met hers. The steely narrowed eyes met the confused lost ocean ones. She blinked slowly for a few times before tilting her head to the side watching him like she wasn't scared. Or maybe she actually wasn't.

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