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Author's Pov
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"Ace!" Aurora gasped out when the tall man hovered over the wincing guy laid on the floor, he grabbed Max's throat in his large palm squeezing it mercilessly cutting the passage of air to his lungs.

"Why don't you try to show your strength on someone of your size bastard!" He hissed lowly watching Max's face turning white as sheet, he punched Ace's arm, tried kicking him and even clawed at his face but nothing worked, he was completely shunned down.

"You shouldn't have touched what's mine!" He smirked like a savage beast watching him struggle like a fish out of water and just when the choked guy was about to pass out Ace felt someone trying to free the struggling lad.

His dark steely gaze snapped to the intruder and instantly they softened when he noticed visible evidence of tears on her eyes, and just like that his hand lost it's grip over Max's neck letting the man cough urgently. He hungrily gulped huge puffs of air letting his lungs find a way to live again. Ace clenched his jaw watching her crouching beside Max helping him to sit up as he stood up from the tortured man.

"Are you OK?" Max coughed hissing as he felt her finger tips touching his neck, he knew his neck be bruised up now. He glared at Ace whose eyes were stuck over the crying girl, he didn't even spare a single glance at the guy he almost killed.

"You fucker! I would have died!" Ace finally trailed his cold eyes towards the wincing guy before rolling his eyes.

"But you didn't, did you?" Max wanted nothing than to claw at his face and gauge this pride out of him. This bastard had always been the main reason of his shoot up temper!

Soon, his head got slammed with a new unique idea to get back at him, the only thing that could kill him without lifting a finger was right beside him. His sparkling eyes went to Aurora who was still gazing at his neck which was painted with purplish bruise, his lips slightly flickered with a twisted plan.

"Sweetheart, I am sorry. I know I was too impulsive, are you ok?" And just like that, the girl melted shaking her head, she squeezed his hand in comforting grip.

"It's fine, let's get you to medical room," He nodded before sneakily eyeing the cause of his injury and he instantly flared with joy, the anger and jealousy burned on Ace's face like a lava being forcefully tugged in a mountain and was ready to burst anytime.

"Aurora!" Ace growled grabbing her arm, she finally gave her namesake boyfriend a glance and before he could utter a single word she snatched herself away from him, Ace found familiar emotions in her eyes that he was used to seeing in her father's.

Resentment and disgust.

"Stay away! You almost killed him Ace!" He scoffed gritting his teeth, he always disliked her friendship with this good for nothing asshole but never said a word to till today.

"He was hurting you! I defended you!" Somewhere in her heart she knew he was right, he did that only to help her but she wasn't ready to accept him or maybe she didn't want to accept the fact that she actually wanted to agree with him and blame Max.

"Did I ask you to defend me?" Disbelief was written all over his face as he stared at her in shock, did she really just say that?

"What is wrong with you? Is he that important that you are actually defending his wrongdoings in front of me?!" Aurora felt like she was reaching at the last point of her patience, the students had already gathered around them, even though they were in parking area of the school but still the news travel fast.

"Yes! He's important, really important! He's my b----"

"Best friend!" Before she could ruin everything Max stepped in cutting her sentence in mid, his sudden interruption made her realize the mistake she was about to commit. Max side eyed her asking her to shut up before facing the scowling man who looked at Aurora with complete displeasure.

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